Chapter 7

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A/N~ Hey guys how’d you like the last chapter? Well we hope you enjoyed in considering you are reading on to this one, so what do you think is going on? Read more of this mess we call a story to find out! - Kayla, and Rose


"Who said I like anyone!" Draven yells winking at Lydia. "Anyways, it's obvious you know, about you know." She laughs poking at her food with a fork.

Lydia rolls her eyes lightly laughing. "You're so stupid, you have to be kidding, every guy and girl can tell you like Zak."

"Not true. But whatever, if you think I do, then I'll pretend I do. Lydia, what are we doing for your birthday?" Draven asks looking over at Nik.

"We aren't doing anything, you know I hate my birthday Draven. It's just a bad time all around." She sighs and pushes her hair back with a fake grin trying to make the mood happier.

"Come on Lily, just think about it, you'll be one year closer to getting out of here." Draven says noticing Lydias fake grin.

"I know that but every time you try to make a party for me it never ends well, I either end up alone or I ruin it for everyone." She bites into an apple looking down at the table.

"So not true! Last year everyone loved it, not to mention the huge group you had around you all night." Draven pokes Lydia's arm, "Lets just be happy they allow us to have parties for birthdays, you know, as long as there's less than 15 people." she says and rolls her eyes.

"Dray how much of my last birthday do you remember? Obviously it's different than what I remember, no one would even talk to me Draven!" She takes another bite roughly and Nik shakes his head at both of them.

Draven thinks tapping her foot. "Um, I remember that you know, you were the life of the party?"

Lydia shakes her head and lays it down on the table, "I'm certain that's not how it went down, just put a small party together." she says softly and moves her tray over to Nik.

"Then what did happen? Because I think you're the one who doesn't remember." Draven mumbles picking up her tray to take to the garbage.

Lydia groans and gets up pulling Nik with her, "I'm taking you somewhere and you better not say a word about it to anyone okay?" she looks at him seriously and he nods slowly, unsure of what she's talking about.

"Where are we going, and it's clearing outside?" He says and she drags him out the door quickly, rushing to her oasis with as much stealth as you can dragging some who weighed over hundred pounds.

"You'll see just be quiet." She whispers and ducks under the branches and moves faster as she gets closer. Pushing him into the oasis and climbing in beside him. "So what do you think?"

He looks around and stand brushing the dirt and grass off of his shirt and shorts. "It's nice."

Draven watches Nik and Lydia walk outside. "Of course that's where they went." She mumbles to herself, quickly looking around she notices Zak sitting by a couple of his other friends.

"Attention! The meeting is starting in five minutes. Head to the cafeteria if you have not yet. I repeat, head down to the cafeteria at this time!" An angry feminine voice calls from the speakers.

Draven looks to see a few doors being blocked off by a few guards. "Great." She whispers and heads out the only door that was open.

"Excuse me. Where do you think you're going?" One of the guards asks as he passes her in the hallway.

"You see, my roommate is super lazy and I wanna make sure she woke up in time." Draven explains watching the guard nod his head. Making sure he wasn't around, she bolts out the door and runs over by the oasis.

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