Chapter Twenty-Two

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Demi pulled into the school car park and immediately got out, I gulped and followed, walking past staring students.

We stood outside Principal Judy's office for a couple of seconds before Demi knocked harshly on the door.

"Come in," Judy said.

Demi walked in and stood in front of Judy, I stood behind her as Judy looked up.

"Ah, Miss Lovato. May I help you?" She asked.

"Yes actually, I just want you to know that MY daughter has been not only bullied in your school but cyberbullied by the same students that attend here. I am NOT happy about this, this has been going on for a while and you have done NOTHING. You said there was a policy for bullying, it does NOT seem like it." Demi glared.

She was very pissed off, I'm surprised Judy isn't intimidated by her.

"I'm sorry to hear about this Miss Lovato, I can tell you for sure that I did not know this incident was happening during school hours. I would have stopped it straight away if I knew. But now that I know about it I'm going to sort it out, all I need it the names of the students who have been bullying your daughter and I'll get it sorted right away."

Demi looked at me and gestured for me to say the names, but honestly, I didn't want to. What if it doesn't get sorted and Chloe finds out I snitched on her? I'll definitely be getting my ass completely kicked.

But what if I say something and it does get sorted? I'll never have to deal with Chloe and her minions again, right?

I sighed, "Chloe Gibbons."

Judy did some tapping on her keyboard before looking back up at Demi.

"I have notified her parents to come into the school, I will not tolerate this behaviour, Lovato. I will stick to my words and stop this. I'd like you to wait outside until Mrs Gibbons arrives, is that okay?"

Demi nodded and headed out. She sat down at the seats nearby and sighed. I sat next to her.

"Why didn't you tell me about this right away when it started?" Demi looked at me.

I fiddled with my fingers, " I thought it'll go away, I didn't think it'll carry on like this." I looked down.

Demi sighed again before taking out her phone. As I looked back up I noticed Mia walking by, she saw me and waved. I returned it. She walked away at the same time as heels were heard from around the corner. Soon as it was close I saw a woman who looked to be a businesswoman.

She stopped at Judy's office and waited until she opened the door.

"Ah, good morning Mrs Gibbons."

Judy quickly stood by her desk and spoke into the microphone,

'Attention students, can Chloe Gibbons make her way to the Principal's office please.'

I gulped, she's going to be in the same room? Well, this isn't good.

Soon after Chloe came trotting down the corridor and stood outside Judy's office. She motioned all of us to come inside and sit down. As I did I could see Chloe looking at me, I gulped once again and looked down.

"I apologise for calling you into the school, Mrs Gibbons, but I'm afraid your daughter has been involved in bullying Miss Sabrina Lovato."

Chloe full on glared at me, I knew I was in deep shit.

"I do not tolerate bullying in my school and you know that. Especially posting inappropriate videos on Youtube about one of my students. With that being said, I'll be permanently excluding Miss Gibbons from my school."

I gasped, I could not believe what I was hearing. I mean I'm not complaining or anything but I didn't expect it to be that kind of punishment, I just thought she'll be suspended for a week or so.

"Thank you for coming in, Mrs Gibbons, I will allow Chloe to collect her belongings and then leave."

Not only did Chloe not look happy, but her mum didn't either. She was glaring at her this whole time.

"I'm sorry for Chloe being involved in this incident, I never expected my daughter to do such a thing but I fully agree with your punishment. I do not tolerate bullying either and she knows this." She glared at Chloe.

"I'm glad you don't either, Gibbons. Thank you. I'll see you soon."

We all stood up and walked out, as soon as that happened Chloe was screamed at by her mum, I wanted to laugh but it would have been rude so I kept it in. I and Demi made our way to the car, they said I could have the rest of the day off. Bonus.

"Thank you for that, I'm glad I won't be seeing her now." I smiled.

"No problem, I absolutely hate bullying. But promise me next time something like that happens you'll tell me?"

I sighed, "I promise."

"Good girl," Demi said before making our way home.

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