Chapter Three: Macaroons

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Chapter Three: Macaroons

Mr.Tellarose is a very fun teacher. His excitement about learning History makes the subject less boring. I enjoy his class and I can't wait for him to teach again. He waved goodbye and he then left the classroom. After that, I was immediately swarmed by classmates.

"I heard you hooked up Reid and Alice earlier!"

"Are you an angel that fell from heaven?"

"Will you marry me?" The last question made me laugh. Why would someone want to marry a person like me? I shrugged off that and answered all the questions at once.

"Yes for the first question, no for the last two." I answered, giggling a bit. I heard a 'boo' from the students and a 'liar!' from another one.

"How am I lying?" I asked them and they all looked at each other.

"Because you are a kind and beautiful angel." They answered me, making it seem like it was obvious. I saw Alice roll her eyes a bit and she shooed everyone away. They pouted at this but did leave us two alone. I was then embraced in a hug and a pat on the head.

"There there, Alice will protect your little adorable self." She cooed and I bursted out laughing, breaking away from her. She also burst out laughing as well and we continued smiling until our next teacher came in.


The day went on and on. The classes weren't as fun as Mr.Tellarose's but they were still quite enjoyable. All my teachers seemed pretty nice. In fact, some of them were impressed at how my standard is with Math and English. They mentioned something about moving me to AP classes. This made me grateful that my mother was such a strict teacher and how much knowledge she packed into my head.

The bell rung and Alice grabbed my hand, once again, and led me throughout the hallway.

"Where are we going?" I asked her but she didn't reply. She continued leading me throughout the school until we arrived at two big brown doors. She pushed them open and I gasped. There was a giant food fight going on. Ketchup and mustard were flying into people's faces and hair. The sight would have disgusted me to some extent but colorfulness of the room changed my mind.

"Alice, Pastel!" a voice called out to us and I saw it was Elijah approaching us. I waved to him and he froze in his spot. He reached behind his head and showed his hand to us. It was stained with dark yellow mustard. He grimaced and muttered something like "I hate mustard.". He then turned back around and threw the ketchup packet that was in his hand. It hit some random, poor person in the face and Elijah bursted out laughing at the expression the person was making. I simply rolled my eyes, Alice did the same as well.

"Boys." She said, saying that how the immaturity level was normal for the gender. I nodded in agreement and we both chuckled. We then got in line to grab our lunch.

"Is the lunch here any good?" I asked Alice, who was texting someone.

"Yeah, it's pretty good. Better than most schools in the area." She answered while nodding her head slightly. I smiled at how distracted and consumed she was with whoever she was texting.

"Are you texting Reid?" I teased her and her cheeks began to tint a light shade of red.

"M-maybe." She replied, stuttering as she was flustered. I laughed to myself at how adorable she was acting right now.

We got our lunch and sat down at a random table. The food fight slowly settling down and ending. Elijah, who was now covered in ketchup, reached over my head and stole of my fries from my plate.

"Hey give that back!" I yelled at him playfully and I got up. I was about to grab my fry but I tripped and fell ontop of him. Our faces were inches apart and I could feel his minty breath caress my face.

"You stole my fry." I whispered to him, afraid to look away from his beautiful honey brown eyes. He chuckled and I could feel his laughter vibrate in his chat. He then took the fry that was currently in his hand and placed it in my mouth.

"There, now you got your fry back." He said, smiling at me while gazing at my face with an emotion that was unknown to me. I said "thank you" or tried to. The fry in my mouth messed up my words and it sounded like I was speaking a different language. He laughed once again and gently pushed me off him. We both got up and he waved us goodbye. Alice waved him goodbye as I sat down. As soon as he was out of sight, Alice made a high pitch squeal that made me cover my ears.

"I ship it!" She yelled and everyone in the room stared. Some, who witnessed the scene that happened a few moments ago, nodded in agreement. I moved my hands from my ears to cover my face as I felt my face growing hot. This is so embarrassing.


School ended an hour after lunch. I didn't want to lose my friends just yet so I decided to invite them over to the bakery. They said they would love to come. Since I live only twenty minutes away, we walked to the bakery. Elijah, fooling around, fell once or twice on the way. Alice and I laughed at him the whole walk and we arrived at the bakery with all three of us smiling goofily.

"Mother, I'm back!" I called out. Alice and Elijah looked at me curiously, since there appeared to be no one in the room.

"Welcome back honey!" a voice yelled out and my mother popped her head up from the cabinet.

"Oh, you have company!" She exclaimed, now noticing I wasn't alone.

"Hi, Ms.Poppins. I'm Elijah and this is Alice." Elijah introduced themselves. My mother eyed him curiously but gave them a bright smile.

"Are these two your friends?" She asked, now looking at me. I nodded back, copying her bright smile. If a smile could stretch across the world, the smile on my mother's face is what it would look like.

After a few more minutes of chit chat, we sat down at a nearby table and pulled out our homework. My mom brought us some chopped apples and cherry cokes. We all thanked her and continued finishing up our homework. Laughter rang throughout the whole bakery.

It had gotten pretty late so Alice and Elijah decided to leave but before they could, my mother gave them each a box of macaroons. They thanked her and said their goodbye to me and left. I stared at their backs until they were out of site. Smiling to myself, I took a bite of a macaroon.

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