Chapter Fifteen: Cake Pop

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Chapter Fifteen: Cake Pop

I sat down on the nearby swing and held the cold, metal handles. I was at my childhood park. I always went here if I needed to get away from things. I drifted off to memories of this place with my father. Father..the word felt like treason to say now. The things he did to me for no good reason was so terrible and I just wished...I just wished I could forget the past.

"Pastel!" A male voice called out to me. I recognized the voice in an instant and as I felt their embrace, I felt comfort.

"Elijah." I mumbled as tears started falling down my face. Sobs starting to come out of my mouth as I ranted to Elijah about how I remember the abuse I went through.

"It's okay, baby." He hummed, rubbing comforting circles on my back. I cried into his shoulder, dampening his jacket. I felt him get up, taking me along with him. He placed his hand under the crook of my calves and picked me up bridal style. My hands rested on his shoulder as I dug my face into his chest.

He took me to a nearby candy shop. I asked him why he took me here and he just smiled at me, showing his sharp teeth.

"Candy makes everyone feel better." He answered and I laughed the slightest.

"Not if you're allergic to sugar." I mumbled and he sighed, poking my cheek.

"Stop being so depressed." He told me as kept poking my cheek. I turned my face and bit his finger, shaking my head. His face tinted bright red and he almost dropped me out of embarrassment. I chuckled at his embarrassment and kissed his cheek, making him smile brightly.

We grabbed our candy and headed to the cashier.

"You two are such a cute couple." The cashier told us, kindness and a tad bit of jealousy in his voice. Elijah chuckled and nodded.

"We are, aren't we?" He asked, looking at me a bit and I nodded, smiling brightly. We bid our farewells the the cashier and left the store. Elijah took out a piece of Dove chocolate and placed it in my mouth. I moaned slightly due to the deliciousness of the chocolate and felt Elijah tense a bit. I wacked him in the arm and he just shrugged. Boys and their strange hormones.


Elijah and I arrived at the bakery, he set me down as my mother rushed over to me. She didn't hug me due to the fact she knew I wasn't completely over our fight. In fact, I was still so mad that I just walked past her, taking Elijah with me.

I led him to my room and I saw him look around my room in awe. I laughed and fell onto the bed. I felt Elijah cautiously sit next to me. He placed his hand over mine and intertwined our fingers. The room was silent for awhile til Elijah spoke up.

"You shouldn't be mad at your mother." He told me quietly and I pulled my hands away from his in disgust. I glared at him silently and he frowned. He moved over towards me and I backed away.

"She's the one who let the abuse happened! Watched me get beat every day!" I yelled at him, glaring at him with cold eyes. He winced visibly and I felt slightly guilty for raising my tone like that.

"She was scared for her life." He argued and I couldn't help but see his point. My glare softened as tears began streaming down my face. Elijah immediately rushed over to me, cooing sweet words while rubbing my back. I fell asleep in his arms.


I woke up to yelling. I frowned, rubbing my eyes, and got up to see what was going on. I saw that Elijah was the one yelling at someone he was on the phone with. I was about to walk away when I heard a certain name come out of his voice.

"I know, Alice." He said and I stopped in my tracks. I knew what I was doing is wrong but my curiosity got the best of me and I spied on him.

"I'm not going to break her heart, I love her," He stated and my eyes widened. Breaking who's heart? Mine? What is going on?

"I know, I know the plan. Befriend Pastel, make her fall in love with me, date her, and then break her heart into pieces." He said and I dropped to floor. I made a noise as I fell and Elijah turned around, eyes wide. He dropped his phone and looked at me with a terrified expression.

"P-pastel..I can explain." 

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