Chapter One: Cupcakes

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Chapter One: Cupcakes

I had been told as a child that life wasn't like a box of chocolates. Sure, there would be some pretty sweet times and you may be the happiest person in the world but then there are the rotten eggs of life. Sometimes life will get so bad that you don't feel like living any more. As a child, I was scared of life giving me these rotten eggs but I had nothing to fear because all my life has been was sweet as cupcakes so far.

My mother owns a bakery called Pastel. The bakery focuses on delicious, rainbow colored pastries. The bakery itself was named after me, Pastel Poppins. The colors of the bakery are yellow and pink, my two favorite colors, and also the brightest colors in the world. Some would argue white is the brightest color but I mean bright as happy in the perspective. Yellow represents sunshine and pink represents love and memories of childhood. Quite fitting for a bakery, huh?

The bakery is located downstairs from where we live. So, my mom saw fit that the bakery would be my job throughout high school. She also said when I'm older, if I want, I could take over the bakery. It was always my dream to own Pastel since I was young so of course I plan to run it. At least, that's what I'm planning to do. Recently, I've been exposed to new jobs that I find fun and interesting. For example, I find psychology really fun so maybe I could be a therapist. I thought of that until I found out how much college is required of me. After seeing that itś twelve years, I gave up on the idea of becoming a therapist.

¨Pastel!¨ My mother called from downstairs. I looked up from my pink notebook that my father gave me and set my pen down. I quickly but carefully ran down the stairs.

¨Do you need something, mother?¨ I asked, curious of to what she needs from me.

¨I know you've always been homeschooled your whole life but something big happened.¨ she said, excitement clear in her voice.

¨You want me to go to actual high school.¨ I finished her train of thought. She nodded and looked at me, worried shone through her pale face.

¨It's late in the year though.¨ I told her. She nodded at this and said, ¨I know but thatś why you would be only going for a month. You could stay longer after that if you wish but-¨

¨I don't have a choice, do I?¨ I cut her off. She looked down the floor, telling me that I was right. For some reason, I couldn't be angry with her. Instead, I went over to her and gave her a tight hug.

¨When do I start?¨


I packed my school supplies into my small, yellow backpack. The notebooks and pencils kept falling out as the backpack was too small but I refused to give in.

¨Get in there you fudge eating abiotic school supplies!¨ I yelled to no one in particular as I shoved my school supplies into my bag. I zipped the bag shut as quick as I could and a smile as big as that of a kid who saw a giant bar of chocolate. ¨Victory is mine!¨ I yelled, my smile getting wider. I giggled uncontrollably as I fell onto my plush, queen size bed. My mother, who seemed to hear my war cries, rushed in with a frying pan in hand.

¨Where's the evil backpack that needs to be punished?¨ She announced, a silly grin appearing on her face. I pointed at my over-stuffed yellow bag that was now lying on the floor. She eyed the backpack than ran up to it, smacking it with a frying pan. I burst out laughing at her silliness and fell off my bed. My mother was also overcome with laughter. I heard the neighbors laughing for probably no reason next door. Laughter is contagious, isn't it?

Mother and I soon rushed out of the room, still laughing. We made our way out the house and to her small but adorable white car. It's name was Gummy Bear. We got into the car. I plugged my phone in and turned on Katy Perry. We sang along with the song as we drove off the school.

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