Chapter Eleven: Tiramisu

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Chapter Eleven: Tiramisu

The blow didn't come as the guy was roughly pulled away from me. My mind was still trying to process what was going on as the guy was now laying on the floor, clutching his, uh, family jewels in pain.
"That's what you get for picking on my classmate." The voice said and I looked up to see Mickey. She looked at me, smiling softly, before delivering a blow to the guy's stomach. Kenzie entered the room a second later and pulled Mickey away from the man. Mickey struggled against Kenzie's grip but gave up and spat at the guy. Mickey then went over to me and pulled me into a hug.
"Are you okay?" She asked, breaking the hug and checking my face. I shook my head and Kenzie led us to the nearby girl's bathroom. In the mirror, I saw that my my lip was cut and was bleeding, my jaw was also showing a new bruise.
Kenzie wetted some paper towel and gently dabbed at my cut lip. I winced at the pain and muttered an apology. She placed some lip balm on my lip to calm down the swelling.
"We're coming in!" A male voice announced and walked in a guy with brillant bright blue eyes. Elijah was with him.
When Elijah saw my appearance, he ran up to me and embraced me in a hug.
"I was so worried and scared." He gushed and I could feel my shoulders being slightly wetted. I saw tears on his face and I smiled, wiping them away.
"I'm okay but where were you when I got pulled away?"
"A teacher saw me banging on the door and was sent to the principal's office for my "bad behaviour". I'm so sorry." He explained. I nodded in understanding and we continued hugging.
"Thanks, Mason." Mickey said to the blue-eyed male, who was apparently named Mason. He nodded, smiling slightly. Mickey's face was tinted slightly red and I smiled at this. Guess I found someone else I could match make with.
We all left the bathroom a few minutes later and Elijah refused to let me go. Currently, he was giving me a piggyback and I enjoyed it. He running down the hall, making me hold onto him for my dear life.
When we arrived at my classroom, Elijah gently set me down and kissed me gently. Alice came out of the classroom and gushed at my appearance. Elijah was glaring at her for unknown reasons to me.
"Alice." He said in a dangerous tone and she turned to him, in confusion but a slight smirk was evident on her face.
"Nevermind." He muttered quietly and turned to me with a small smile on his face.
"I'll see you after school." He told me and I nodded with enthusiasm.
"We can make tiramisu!" I exclaimed and he just chuckled at me, ruffling my hair. He gave me a gentle kiss on the lips and walked away. I stared at his back dreamily. I noticed Alice frowning out of the corner of my eyes. She glared ever so slightly at Elijah's back. What's going on between them?
School ended and just as Elijah said, he saw me right away after school. In fact he picked me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist, and ran carrying me in his arms. All the while, I was laughing so hard and people were moving out of the way. He carried me the whole way to the bakery.
My mother smiled as soon as we arrived. I then announced to her that Elijah is gonna help me make a tiramisu cake. She agreed with the only exception that we don't have another food fight again. I laughed at this statement, Elijah joining me.
"No promises."

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