Finding her...

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Unknown's POV
She sure is one hell of a fighter. She squirmed until she fainted. I pulled away from her, already full. She's the one they were talking about. She was Higurashi's reicarnation. I turned off the light, and went out the door. Heh, She's gonna be of use to us.
Aiden's POV
We need to find her. Right now. I didn't even hesitate to grab the door knob and shutting it ever so angrily, and I ran to my apartment to get my motorcycle. Once I was there, I immediately grabbed my helmet and opened the garage door. I started the engine, and quickly rode off. I know where she is. I could sense her smell filling up the air, making it more easier to track her. I made my way towards a dark alley, something wasn't right. I lost her scent. I barely recovered the smell of her when I almost ran through a wall. It had some weird words written on it, and the smell was getting stronger. The words that were written on the wall spelled, ' Making it lighter, making it darker. Running away from the good ones, associating with the bad. Be careful, for you might end up in a room of darkness. Making you screech in pain, no one there to help you. For the darkness, has owned you. Making you its very own...' I couldn't make out the word next to it. So I thought harder. Where else could she be? Then, a place popped into my mind.' I knew it.' I thought to myself. 'I knew that jerk way too much. Hang on, Shiro. I'm coming for you.'
Unknown's POV
Tsk. He's late. Where is that deadbeat? I put my book on the table and went to look for______.(Imma keep u guys guessin who da hell im talkin about) I soon arrive in the living room, scanning the area. I sat down on the couch again and poured myself a cup of tea while waiting for them. I soon heard a knock and then banging on the door. I pinched the bridge of my nose, and walked up to the door, swinging it open. I opened one of my eyes, and saw Aiden. Tch. It's about time he came for Higurashi's reincarnation. I moved out of the way, letting him enter into the mansion.
   "She's down in the basement if you want to save her." I said sternly, glaring at him as if he is a threat.
Shiro's POV
"S***, my head hurts." I groan as I rub my neck. I pulled away, and saw blood on my hand. Tch, bloody vampires. I shook the chains on my wrists and ankles, making me wince in pain because they put it on too tight. Aiden, where are you? I bit back the tears that were threatening to fall down on my cheeks, I don't want to look vulnerable. I have to stay strong. It's alrady been a few weeks, and I just missed school. Great. I stood up, still hissing in pain because of the chains around my body. The dim light in the room flashed a bit, and then the light bulb blew up, leaving shards of glass on the floor. I picked one of the shards, and sliced my hand with it. I bit back a scream, but I was soon interrupted by the door swinging open. It was... Aiden. But I didn't let go of the shard. I still kept slicing my whole body drenching myself with blood. Slices and marks left all over my body, I looked at Aiden again, but this time, his eyes are red. I widened my eyes, but his eyes turned back to normal. He ran to me then knelt down on one knee, snatching theshard of glass away from my hand, causing me to wince in pain beacause I held the shard tightly. He hugged me gently, and I couldn't help but cry. I cried on his chest, also wrapping my arms around him. He kept shushing me and telling me everything's going to be alright. I just let the tears fall down and hugged him tighter. He had me in his arms, and I fell asleep on him.
Aoi's POV (weren't expecting that were ya?)
It's been a couple of weeks, and Shiro isn't back yet. I cried myself to sleep every night, having nightmares about Shiro being taken away from me. She's the only family I have as my family. As soon as I stood up from the couch, the door has been interrupted by a knock. I quickly opened it, widening my eyes. Shiro was drenched in blood, and a bit of blood were also on Aiden's shirt. I was about to say something but I was cut off by Aiden.
   "She's unconscious. And she lost a lot of blood. But I think she's going to be okay, for now." He handed Shiro to my arms, and I just took her to the living room, laying her unconscious body on the couch. Some hair was on her face, and I moved it out of the way. I'm so sorry, Shiro. I should've been more careful about you. Aiden was just about to leave, but I motioned for him to come in. He hesitated a bit, but came in afterwards. I sat down on the chair and Aiden sat beside me.
   "Why do you know where she is?" I said, my gaze directly locking to his.
   "I simply asked a friend. Who is my source of information. Why do you care?" He said, clearly taunting me. I just huffed.
   "I have a source of information myself. It's called a, 'listening device'. Ever heard of it?" I glared, and pulled out my phone to let him listen to the evidence that I had.
   "_____, I know you're there!" Aiden's voice said.
   "She's down in the basement if you want to see her." Another voice that I do not know said.
   "How much did you drink from her?!" Aiden's voice echoed through my phone.
   "Tch. Not much. Just enough to make her unconscious." Another unfamiliar voice said.
I ended the record there, still glaring at Aiden.
   "Now, mind telling me what that was about?" I said, angrily. He just gave the same glare. Just as he was about to speak, Shiro woke up from unconsciousness, yawning and rubbing her eyes with her blood-filled sleeve. She noticed, and looked at me and Aiden. We were still glaring at each other. Just as she was about to say something, I interrupted her.
   "Go take a bath. You stink of blood." I said, sticking out my tongue in disgust. She threw the pillow from the couch and I got hit with it on the head.
   "BOOM! HEADSHOT!" Shiro shouted, and went upstairs and took a bath.

A/N: wassup guys!!!! I am very sorry bcoz I have been suffering with a disease called "Ignorance Syndrome" and I always forget to update and I am soooo sorrry again just scold me for everything on the comments (even tho idc) down below and thanks for the views on this book I will update as soon as possible............................ AFTER the periodical tests. Uwaaaaa!!!!! I will see you readers, in the next life!(or chapter)

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