Getting on my nerves

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“This is it, Sooyeon. You will be staying here until the day you graduate.”

Jessica sighed for God know how many times already that day. The three of them are already in the living room, she, her father, and Mrs. Choi, the house owner. Mrs. Choi is Mrs. Jung old best friend who happen to be Jessica’s math lecturer in her new school here in Korea.

“Try to not make huge problem for Mrs. Choi, arraseo?” Jessica rolled her eyes upon her father’s remarks.

“Hahaha… You don’t have to worry about that, Jung. I’m sure Jessica will behave. Right, pretty girl?” Jessica, once again, ignored and looked away. 

"Yah!" Mr. Jung scolded her. Mrs. Choi patted his shoulder to make him calm and mouthed, 'it's okay'

"By the way, Jessica. Your room will be upstair next to my daughter's, the one with plain door. My daughter's room has her name on its door."

"Okay. I'll go now." She glanced at her father. "You're gonna leave now, Daddy?" He nodded, then wrapped his arms around his eldest and whispered in her ear, "Please behave, okay? Appa trust you." He pulled away and kissed her forehead, left Jessica smiled weakly.

"See you, Dad. I left first. Excuse me." Jessica left after bowing a little to the two elders, however she still got her manner. 

Mrs. Choi smiled seeing this attitude, and her smile turn into chuckle watching the girl struggling to bring her luggage through the stairs.

"I really hope she can learn good things here." Mrs. Choi turned her head to the worrying father.

"She will."

Mr. Jung smile. "Thanks, Minah. I think I'll go now. My flight is in an hour."

"Alright. Send my regards to your wife. I miss her so much!"

"So does she. See you when we see you."

with Jessica

After 'climbing' with much effort, she walks through the second floor until arriving in front of the door with 'Choi Sooyoung' board on it.

Sooyoung. It must be her daughter's room. So my room is ...-  Her run of thoughts stopped upon seeing a figure from the opposite way bringing a dozen of books in her hands. Heck, the books even hide a half of her body and, importantly, her eyes to see that there is another creature just a meter from her. And she kept walking..

"YAH! YAH! YAH!" Jessica tried to stop her but it's too late.


"YAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" They both scream as they sat on the ground after the crash, with the books scattered around. There she was, a girl with glasses, in her short hair, sending Jessica a glare. What? That's my style to glare!

Not to create another scene, Jessica was the first to stand up and cleaned up the dust from her clothes. The other girl followed while collecting the books. To Jessica's surprise, she said in a plain tone, "Watch your steps some other time."

Jessica widened her eyes and turn to the said girl, "Mworago??", still trying to control her emotion.

"Are you deaf?" Still in plain tone, and plain expression.

"Excuse me?!" Jessica raise her voice this time.

"I said, watch. your. freaking. step, Barbie girl." She said, plainly, again, before left Jessica dumbfounded, walked calmly into the room with the 'Choi Sooyoung' door.

"What the..... YAH! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO BUMP INTO ME, BILLIARD STICK WITH GLASSES ON TOP!" Jessica exploded finally. But the girl ignored her and just closed her door.

"Freak!" Jessica mumble complaining before took her suitcase and walked again. "Wait.... where's my room again?"

Another day, Jessica's first day of school

Jessica's POV

"JESSIEEEEEEE!!!!" I heard a familiar voice heard before I felt a body hugging me tightly. So thight I can't breathe.

"Tiff! I chokked!"

"Oh, miyan... Hahaha! Yah I miss you so much! The last time we went to school together was when we were in elementary school, right!?"

"You are exaggerating.. You always come to my house in States every holiday break at least twice a year anyway." I just rolled my eyes and Tiffany just pouted at me. "I'm going to the administration's room first to collect my documents. See you soon, Miyoung!"

"Aigoo. I'll be waiting in class then!" She waves her hand as I left her.



The bell is ringing, I am now walking with Mr. Lee to my class. As we enter the class, I scanned the room and see Tiffany waves at me. I reply with my smile.

"Class, we are having a new friend here from States. Ms. Jung, please introduce yourself."

"Good morning. I'm Jessica Jung. I've just moved here yesterday. Please take care of me." I bow to the class right after the introduction.

"Well, Ms. Jung, you can sit on the empty chair next to Ms.Choi." Mr. Lee point an empty chair just in front of where Tiff's sitting.

Ms. Choi? Don't tell me...........

I walk towards the said chair and as I put my bag on the table I turn to look whom Mr. Lee called as Ms Choi. And yes. Yes, there she is. That annoying girl. Great, Jessica! Just great! After glancing at me for less than a second with her usual plain expression, she's back to read a book in her hand. What a nerd! The class hasn't even started and she is reading......... I peek at the title of the book... The History of...... ugh! whatever it is!

"Ms. Hwang, as a class leader, I hope you can help Ms. Jung to adapt here and take a small trip around this school after class." 

"Yes, Sir!" Tiffany stands up and nodds her head as she answer. Wow, my best friend is a class leader!

"And we are very lucky that we also have the vice president of the student council in this class. I hope you can help Ms. Hwang to do the job." Wow, again, student council vice president? That's great! He must be a handsome, charming, elegant boy! I'm really excited to see who's gonna stand up, and....

"My pleasure, Mr. Lee." ............. and that annoying billiard stick stood up... Following, I hear some squeals and whispers from some girls. "Oh. my. God." "Look at her cool expression!" WHAT??

She's back to sit and read her book again, but not before turn to look at me and said.......

"Disappointed much?"

 I clench my teeth hard. This creature is really getting on my nerves.

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