chapter sixteen

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" remember the words you told me, love me till the day I die, " 5 seconds of summer,, youngblood

1 hour later
"Jamie," I huffed into the phone, tears streaming down my face, "Pick up, son of a bitch, dammit."

It was quiet, the only thing that could be heard was the breeze of the wind flowing through the forest, and my phone attempting to call my brother with 1 bar.

"Hey you've called Jamie, sorry I can't ge-" I hung up, sighing in frustration.

I looked at my contacts. All of my friends are still at that dumb party. I scrolled to the M section. I pressed on the contact name of the only person who could possibly help me right now.

"Daisy?" Thank you, God.

jamie's pov
I looked around frantically. Where is she? What did that fucking prick do to her? My poor baby sister. I was such a dick.

I spotted Jack, marching over with optimism, and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and flashed a smile when he saw me.

"Hey! Jamie! What's up?" He ignored his other group and faced me.

"Look, sorry to be blunt, but I can't find Daisy and my phone just died. Do you know where she is?" I searched for a glimpse of hope in his eyes, unfortunately finding none when his smile turned into a frown.

"No, sorry man. I haven't seen her since she got here with Toby.." His eyes widened in fright. "Wait.. you don't think.." He didn't want to say it, neither did I. What would I tell Ryan? Marcus? Darcy..

"I'm trying not to think anything bad. that she's okay. I'll let you know-" I started.

"Forget that, I'm coming with you." He exclaimed. "Look, I know you think that I'm a show off. That I'm obsessed with girls. I'm not sure why you think that, but i'm not like that, I care about her, as a friend."

I nodded in agreement and we headed for the exit, feeling kind of guilty, I didn't have an excuse for judging the kid. I was about to open the door, when my name was being shouted by a familiar voice.

"Jamie! Wait!" My eyes met Marcus Bontempelli's.

"Hurry up, Marcus!" I groaned, "Unless you know where Daisy is or who she is with, leave me alone." grabbed my shoulder, stopping me from leaving.

"I heard you were looking for her. I saw Greene leading her outside" Marcus was cut off by Jack, next to me.

"Well why didn't you stop him?! God only knows what he wants with her. If it wasn't to get into the party, then-"

"Don't say it," I warned before I turned to Marcus.

"Look, I just assumed that they were getting some air, and I told her I wouldn't interfere with anything tonight!" Marcus sighed.

"Wait, wait. Hold on. When did you two talk?"

"Caleb and I let her carpool with us because Toby blew her off and told her they would meet there." He explained as Jack looked like he was ready to punch someone.

"Come if you want to help, but we need to find her." I groaned in frustration, still having no clue where she is.

We walked outside and I unlocked my car and we all piled in my jeep.

"Hey, look." Marcus pointed to an empty space in front of us.

"Yeah so?" Jack asked, I was, once again, frustrated about what he what useless thought he was thinking about.

"It's Toby," Marcus said, "He parked his car there, its gone." Oh.



daisy's pov
"Darcy. Please,-- I- Know it's 2:00am but I need you help," I begged desperately, tears still escaping my eyes, "My phones about to die, no one will pick up their phone, your my only hope."

"Whoa-- whoa. Shh, it's okay. It's okay! I'm gonna help you," Darcy's soothing voice calmed me.

"Darcy I- I'm near a sign that says North Essendon, national park. Please help me! I'll explain soon." I pleaded, choking on sobs.

"It's alright, Dais. I'm coming to get you."

darcy's pov
"Please hurry!" And with that I hung up, grabbed my keys and left the house, without caring I was in my pajama pants and shirtless.

I drove out of my street and headed towards Essendon, hoping she would be fine.


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