chapter twenty-two

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" put your pride aside you can notify me, " the weeknd,, try me

a/n: yo r we finishing at 25 or 30 chapters? let me know..

"Daisy hurry up! We're going to be late!" I heard Ryan yell from downstairs. I sighed before turning back to my reflection in the mirror. Jamie and I still weren't on speaking terms. I mean yeah, I was still sending streaks to him but he was no longer on my best friends list. I rolled my eyes at Ryan's impatience, he doesn't understand that girls can't just throw on clothes and walk out of the house with a cap to hide their hair.

"Fuck off Ryan! There's no set time for the open training! There not gonna kick us out because were late, idiot." I exclaimed back, groaning at my brother. He thought it would be a good idea to go see Jamie because he was fed up with our arguing. Ryan said I was being ridiculous because Jamie wasn't the only one at fault, apparently I was a bitch. Um you weren't even there fuck face Ryan so stay out of it.

Then I realised that Jamie probably had it harder than me. He couldn't avoid Darcy. It was easy for me because we didn't participate in any activity together and I'm pretty sure Darcy was avoiding me too. But Jamie, the poor guy can't just switch clubs mid April. The season just started and there was no way he was getting traded before 2020. Besides, Jamie loved the Collingwood Football Club, he wasn't leaving just because of Darcy.

So, hesitantly, I mentally decided to apologise to Jamie after his training session. It only seemed fair, after Ryan made me feel guilty. Dick

I swear is it possible to not have a favourite sibling because you hate both equally? Actually that's a stupid question.

Removing myself from my thoughts, I heard the front door slam shut, meaning that Ryan was waiting in the car. I quickly realised that being late really wouldn't look good on my behalf if I was apologising to Jamie so I quickly through my hair in a messy bun and ran back to my bedroom to trap my Kathmandu puff jacket.

I opened the front door and shut it walking in the frosty air that was lit up by a sunny sky. It was chilly outside but the sun helped maintain a warm feel. I spotted Ryan sitting on his phone, scrolling through Twitter, and I knocked on the window, the door was locked.

My brother looked up and I pointed to the lock plug, indicating that the door was locked. Ryan rolled his eyes slowly and flipped me off with a fake smile. I returned the fake smile as he opened the door.

I readied myself, strapping the seat belt as Ryan sped off.

"So," Ryan turned to me as he directed the car onto the freeway, smirking as he did so, he was up to something, "Realise your a bitch?" Nope, Ryan's just a natural dickhead.

"Can you fuck off Ryan?" I crossed my arms over my chest. My brother's smirk increased in attitude, size and annoying-ness

"But yes," I sighed, coming to terms with myself, "I am apologising to Jamie." I smiled, almost content with my decision. Almost.

"Lol, I was gonna take credit for whatever happened but now that you made it cute." He paused, chuckling a little, "you make me look soft Daileighea."

"Fuck off Ryan, you fucking fucker fuck," I complained facing the other way (the window) and turning up the music volume to relax for the rest of the car ride. I guess I have to go apologise now..

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