chapter twenty-eight

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As soon as he was escorted from the stadium, I had bolted to my car, ensuring I would get to Epworth quickly. I hadn't known I was crying until I received weird looks, once inside the hospitals car park. I slammed my car door shut, before running into the emergency room.

I located the front desk and asked the lady if Darcy had been admitted yet.

"He hasn't been entered in the system as of now but if you wanna have a seat, I'll let you know.

2 hours later, my phone on 34% from me playing Helix Jump, I heard my name being called by the receptionist. My dull face became alert as I stood up, my body facing the front desk. My bright face soon returned to it dull state when I saw the lady pointing to me, directing Jamie to my whereabouts.

"Dais." He said before walking towards me. Once he was close enough I gave him a hug. "Hey, hey! Daisy? Why are you so sad? He isn't dead." He lightly chuckled.

"Jamie, I'm so worried about him." I stressed feeling tears nearing the edge of my eyes. "He was right next to me in the crowd and I just had to sit and watch. And I knew he was in so much pain because his eyes found mine and looked at me in such a way that made me understand his suffering-" I rambled out trying to explain what I had bottled up for the past couple of hours. My brother cut me off, bringing his finger to his lips motioning for me to be quiet.

"Let's go outside, Dais."


We sat outside the emergency entrance of the Epworth hospital. Sat on brick steps and our arms crossed over our knees, similar to how we sat about 3-4 months ago when I broke up with Max.

"Déjà vu, huh?" Jamie asked, as if to speak my mind.

"Yeah." My words were dry and plain.



"What's gotten you so worked up about Darcy this past month? You've been acting different towards him."

"Yeah well after the incident-"

"No, no! After that. This past couple of days even. It's like your face lights up when he's mentioned." He questioned.

"You know," I said, half ignoring my brothers previous statement. "You know after Max broke up with me and I told you I would tell you the reason when I'm ready?"

Jamie just nodded in response. I sighed before continuing. "Max was jealous of Darcy. Said that I was so attached to him and that it was cruel to play with his heart like that." My brother's eyes widened. "And I think what was more uncomfortable was the fact that before Max I was obsessed with Darcy, had the biggest crush ever and these last few months made me realise that I didn't want to be with Max because I liked Max it was to get over Darcy." I was silent for a while and so was Jamie he took long blinks processing every piece of information.

"But here I am now, back to where I was 7 months ago except now-" I cut myself off. Was I really prepared to share this with my brother? Was I better off keeping this feelings a secret? "Except now.." I took a deep breath, "except now I'm in love with Darcy."

I opened my eyes that I hadn't realised were closed and suddenly my body felt 10 times lighter than before. I didn't know that this feeling was such a big factor of me that I was unwilling to admit too.

"What?" Jamie said quietly. I looked over to him. F*ck. I just told him that I was in love with his best friend.

"I-I" I was now shaking and that large weight had once again returned, "J I'm so sorry. I didn't mean too-"

"You're in love with him, Dais?" He asked in disbelief.

I closed my eyes. What the f*ck have I done? "Yeah, Jamie. I am."

"Well f*cking finally!" He exclaimed. And I lifted my head in confusion.

"Have you really been that oblivious to my obvious attempts at trying to set the two of you up?" He chuckled lightly.

Now I was kind of offended. Offended by myself. How was I so dumb? "What do you mean?"

After Jamie explaining his whole plan to get me with Darcy and me not believing anything he was saying, we headed back inside.

"I don't know how much longer of this waiting I can take." I complained to Jamie whilst yawning.

"Go home, I'll stay her and call if anything happens."

"I was really talking about the fact that the ads on this game goes for 30 seconds and play after every second turn! I have never been more impatient!" I angrily folded my arms across my chest and slumped down in my chair. I placed my phone in the chair next to mine and sighed. "My phone's gonna die." I stated simply.

Jamie's eyes shifted slightly upwards, his gaze already on his phone, indicating he was checking his percentage. "Ugh I'm on 11%" I rolled my eyes.

"Alright," I said, "quickly call mum and let her know that we're at Epworth and our phones are about to die." He  nodded and soon pressed the phone to his ear.

A longer than necessary phone call later, Jamie hung up with a groan. I gave him a questioning look.

"What is it?"

"Mum wants us to leave in 15. She said it will get dark soon. I mean it's only 3:45.."

"Classic." I muttered. "I guess we should just go now, we've been here for 3 hours already and they aren't gonna give us any information in the next 15 minutes." I spoke softly. Jamie replied with a sad smile and mumbled an "okay."

Jamie then suggested that we ask the front receptionist to call us for any updates. I hesitantly agreed. I didn't exactly like her.

"I mean, I suppose I could call you." She said carelessly, "Alright fine, give me your number." As I started to recite my phone number she cut me off.

"No- no! His number." She looked straight at Jamie and he rose his eyebrows. Typical girls.

"Uh- um okay." He said weakly and instead wrote his number on the paper himself.

"Okay bye." She said before diverting her eyes back to her iPhone. We walked out of the front reception and went down to where my car was parked. As I went to pay Jamie stood, staring into space.

"How much battery you on?" I ask not facing him, focusing on the pay machine.

"6%. Why?"

"I wanna connect the aux cord on the way home." I said sheepishly a cheeky smile on my face.

"Okay. But none of your bullshit musi-" he was cut off, ironically, by his phone ringing.

"Hello?" He answered. "Really?!" His voice changed to a higher and more excited tone. "Okay we'll be right there."

I turned around, just finished paying. "What's up?"

I saw my brothers face. He was as smiley as ever and his eyes were bright and wide. Joy. He still didn't answer though.

"Hello?" I asked, waving a hand in front of him.

"He there." He finally spoke.

"He? Who's he?"

"Darcy." My ears perked up and my facial expression soon matched Jamie's. "He's been admitted." Despite my happiness that he was there and we could see him, I was worried about his well being. What if something was truly wrong?

"Well," I swallowed, "let's go see him." Nerves soon toon over me and my body slightly shook as I walked the path to see the both that I had wanted to see so desperately.


Poor Darcy.
2 more chapters
Sad face

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