chapter seventeen

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" and just to reach you, baby I'd stand in line, " the killers,, here with me

"Get off!" I heard shuffling as grew closer to the Essendon Park. There were some weirdo's around here.

"Shut up, bitch!" I heard someone yell, a slapping sound and then a whimper coming afterwards.

"Help! Someone Hel-mmmmm!" I got out of the car, in the freezing cold, still acknowledging the fact that I am without a Tshirt or anything to cover my top half.

I saw Daisy, pushed against the sign she was referring to earlier. A man trapping her body with his own. He looked dirty, had a a beanie on his head that appeared to be damp and had an unbuttoned flannel. Basically, the only word to describe the pig was scruffy.

I raced over, with no hesitation, pulling the disgusting man off Daisy. He was in shock, he mustn't have heard my car pull up, which is odd. The dirty looking man clearly forgot about his surroundings and began running.

He seemed to be drunk, his feet not carrying him as fast or as far as he probably would have hoped for. He fell to the ground, before I could even run after him, most likely collapsing due to the excessive alcohol consumption.

Still not having confronted Daisy yet, I ran towards the unknown man to check for his consciousness. I felt his wrist for a pulse, feeling a heavy beat, probably because of his intoxicated state. Despite this, there was no doubt that he hadn't fainted. I then dragged his dead-like body to my car, resting it out the front.

I reached for my pocket, grabbing my phone.

"Daisy?" I called out, unaware as to where she was, "C'mon, where are you?"

"I -I'm here," She wasn't crying, I could tell. She's tough, and things like this have happened before, not as intense, but it has occurred. Daisy was just shaken up. "Darcy, its you, right?"

I followed the sound of her voice, finding myself at the bottom of the street sign. Finally spotting her after countless moment, I sighed seeing her crouched up.

I didn't say anything, she didn't want my pity. So I just helped her up, we walked to my car, the awful person still unconscious, leaning against a tyre of my car.

We leant against the hood of my ute and stood in a stiff kind-of silence.

"You're alright?" I eventually asked.

"Yeah. I'll be fine," She sighed, looking down, "Some men are just disgusting."

"Don't worry, I'm always here." I offered, smiling at her. She looked up, showing her green eyes and returned a smile.

"I know," She nodded, "Just wish Jamie would be here, though." I understood. She wanted her brother, her best friend to comfort her right now.

I knew I wasn't an ideal option. Not when she being intimidated by a stranger. But I knew my being was appreciated. Her head rested against my shoulder and I looked down at the tires girl.

"I'm just done, Darcy." She whispered, her voice was croaky.


"Done with family, with friends, with everyone." She stressed in ambushed tone, "And at the end of the day, it comes down to you and me. Because you're always there. Waiting. Just waiting to help me."

I smiled at her, she was so sad yet complimenting me. Daisy was just overwhelmed. "It's like you know I'm going to get in trouble so you don't go to the party. Or like you charged your phone because you knew everyone else would have there's on Do Not Disturb or switched off."

"You're a great friend, Darcy." She looked up at me, "And I love you for it," Her words made my throb. She loves me? In what way? She said she loves me because I'm a great friend. So she's relocating me to the friend zone? I can't get mad at her. We were never a thing and I never did anything to indicate that I liked her. I guess Daisy just will have to figure out on her own, because I for one know I am to too pussy and too scared to man up and talk to her about it.

"I need to call the police." I blurted. She looked up, our peace interrupted. "Th-- That thing, that doesn't deserve the right to be called a man, needs to be reported."

Daisy looked into my eyes and nodded slowly. "Can I call Jamie first?" She asked smally.

"Of course," I smiled. I unlocked my phone and clicked on the favourites. Just as I was about to call the other Elliot, I received a call from Marcus. Marcus Bontempelli. I accepted and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Uh, hello?" I answered.

"Darcy? Hello?! Have you heard from Daisy?" The words were muffled and the reception was bad however I could still make out the words he was saying.

"Marcus she's standing right next to me,"

"What?!" I heard Jamie's voice yell, "She is?!"

"Yeah, were in Essendon." I said calmly, Daisy looked at me, like she was going to laugh.

"Okay, where about? We're coming now! What happened to you!?" I put the phone on speaker, for Daisy.

"Well.." she trailed off, "Well, it's a long story that this night doesn't have time for. I tell you tomorrow. Right now we have to get out priorities in order." She stated, Daisy tough girl act back on, "first order of business, call the police."

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