chapter twenty-six

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" im in your sunlight, I love the way it makes me come alive, " joe hertz,, stay lost for amber-simone

rushed (sorry in advance but i'm not really sorry, you'll see why..)

"I don't wanna lie to you Daisy," Darcy said after a while, his breathing was evident, "I really, really, like you." I smiled at him. He always gave me comments like this, I never fully appreciated them until now.

"I like you too, Darcy."

"But.. not just as a friend. I-"

"I know what you mean Darcy." I cut him off touching his arm lightly. "And I mean it too when I say I like you."

A blush formed on his face, which appeared odd on his harsh features. That's when I took in his face, his new and horrendous blonde hair had been attempted into a slick-back style but clearly needed some hair gel opposed too just water. His eyes were as clear as crystal even though they were a dark shade of brown. His skin was tanned and I had never wanted to feel his skin as much as I do right now.

It had seemed as if we were both caught in a trance, I was admiring him and, I guess, he was staring at me. We were pulled out of it, however, after my phones sounded it's familiar ringtone

"She's got a family in Carolina-"

I accepted the call, not bothering to check the caller.

"What is it?" I snapped. It couldn't be anyone important, unless it was mum. Shit, what if its mum? She'll kill me. Give me a lecture on how I should answer the phone nicely.

"Alright dickhead, don't get you panties in a twist." I sighed hearing my brother's smug laugh.

"Ugh what do you want, Jamie?" My voice groaned from my throat, can he not.

"Just seeing when you're getting home, you know, checking in." He tried to say smoothly but I could sense something was up.

"Alright," a smirk on face, "which one of your friends is bored of you and wants the better elliott sibling?"

"Don't get too cocky, Daileighea." He paused. I was used to him calling me Daileighea more recently and I learned to not get so frustrated every time he said it. Which, by the way, was a lot of the time, " Alex, it was Alex who's bored." I let out a laugh mixed with a scoff and looked in front of me, almost forgetting that Darcy was still here. The tall boy was picking his nails and staring at the baby in my arms. At least I think thats what he was staring at..

"Ugh okay, Ill be home at about 11 so don't wait up, see ya." I concluded.

"As if you think we will be sleeping at 11, Daisy. We're big boy's. Ah! Jamie! No!-" I ended the call before I could piss myself laughing at Alex Fasolo's annoying yet entertaining presence.

Like before, Darcy and I felt ourselves being sucked in by the trance we were once in. A silence still upon us as a rubbed Lilah's back, feeling her slowly falling asleep in my arms.

Then I heard Darcy cough, "So- uh. You seem to be all good here-I mean unless you need me to take over for babysitting."

"Oh, no! I mean I'm fine here and Jack or Mikayla can just drive me home." He just nods at me before heading to the door, I set Lilah in her mock-up lounge room cot and walked to the entrance as well. Almost reaching the door, I tripped on a baby toy and fall forward, bracing for impact. Never feeling the pain of hitting the floor, I open my eyes to see my face centimetres from Darcy's. I hadn't thought about it before but it was strange that we had never been this close to each others faces.

And once again we brought into an awkward atmosphere. I was about to regain balance when I thought about what was happening. I really like him, I won't be able to get away with being this close to him for a while, not coincidentally anyway. Boldly thinking about my actions, I leaned towards Darcy's face and close a gap between my lips and his cheek. I saw his eyes closed when I reopened mine, making my heart grow warm. I then stood back and folded my arms across my body, instantly feeling uncomfortable. I proud that I did that, don't get me wrong, but I hope Darcy's reaction won't make me regret it.

"Good night, Dais." Darcy smiled, once we had regained out normal mental state.

"Night, Moore."

He walked towards his ute and reached for his back pocket before stopping abruptly. I watched intently as his figure turned around to face me.

"Daisy?" He asked.

"Yes, Darcy?"

"Will you do me a deal?" I furrowed my eyes at him.

"Well that oughta depend on the circumstances, Moore." I slightly smirked. He started to slowly walk back towards my figure, which was leaning against the Crisp's front door frame.

Crickets sounded in the night's environment as Darcy spoke up, "If you really like me, you know, in that way," he paused, "Come to our game tomorrow and meet me in the club room after full time.

I thought about it. Did I not just tell him before that I liked him.

"If not," he continued, "then you don't have to come." I gave him a look.

"Which I would definitely understand if so." He concluded, trying to make his words sound more appropriate.

It was silent once again, I looked back at Lilah seeing her sleeping peacefully.

"But Darcy, I already told that I liked you-"

"Daisy," he sighed, taking another pause, which seemed to be frequent in this conversation tonight, "the real reason I want you to be there is so I know that I'll have something to look forward too afterwards." He smiled genuinely. I loved his kind side, he was never mean but his smirks were a lot more common 4 months ago. "And maybe a date to go with it too?" I rose my eyebrows at his suggestion, "or is that pushing it?" I laughed loudly at his embarrassment and attempt to cover it up.

"I'll see you there."

"Good. I'll count the moments."

"God your cheesy." I muttered just loud enough for him to hear, before turning away and walking back inside, hearing his laughter as he walked to his car.

Who would have thought things would turn around for me in the timespan of an hour?

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