chapter eighteen

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" I guess we connect on our hatred for pills, " NF,, got you on my mind

attention: this is in no way related to the real Toby Greene. I simply used his reputation and his name. I am in no way implying the real Toby Greene uses drugs.

"Uh-- Toby? Where are we going?" I managed to say as the footballer drove down Moonee Ponds, towards Essendon.

"Why do you want to know so bad?" He whined. Okay know I'm fed up with him. He's a narrow minded, self serving, jackass.

"Because!" I exclaimed, suddenly startling Toby. "Stop, stop." I said and Toby began to lower the kilometres per hour.

"Toby, no offence but, I barely know you!" I exclaimed, probably a bit too loud. This caused Toby to pull over. His face showed a disgusted one.

He let out a loud huff making me shiver. As cringe as it sounds, it felt like he was the big bad wolf and I was all three of the little pigs.

"Okay." Toby's face was red, it showed the only emotion of anger, and an evident element of disappointment, "If your brother has told you to avoid me, hate me or.. whatever.. just because of the rumours and the incidents in football, doesn't mean I'm jackass."

I sighed, I had done the single-most judgemental thing ever. Become naive and believe every terrible action against Toby Greene. The poor guy probably doesn't even mean to hurt anyone, intentionally. But when it happens frequently due to rough play and when he receives suspensions because he was reported, people draw conclusions. "Also," He cleared his throat, beginning another monologue, "I didn't ask you to come with me because I was into you,"

I furrowed my eyebrows, I already knew this, "Yeah, I kno-"

"And I didn't ask you because I wanted an invite to the party," My eyebrows scrunched together, even more so now. If he didn't want to go to the party, which is more obvious to me now considering we left as soon as I got there, then why did we even go?

"To be completely honest, the party was just a meeting place."

"Okay hold up." I said turning my body, to face towards him, "If you not interested in me, you didn't want to go to the party, which you were only using as a meeting place, than why do you want to see me?"

"I saw the marijuana, Daisy." I was gobsmacked, what fucking drugs did he see? I have never smoked pot in my life.

"What fucking weed are you talking about? I have never done drugs!" I exclaimed, trying to defend myself. He just stared at me, unsure of how to reply, "I have never even smoked, I used to have a Shisha Pen, (a/n < is that spelt right?) but that isn't even tobacco! Let alone marijuana, Toby!"

What was this Greene guy going on about, first we're driving around in his car and next he's talking about drugs? Where was he taking me, anyways- Oh.. He wanted to smoke with me. Suspecting my drug 'addiction'.

"Look, I saw a picture on instagram of you," He swiped across his iPhone's screen, a couple times, before turning the screen to me, showing a picture of me, posted by Darcy. I inspected the photo, there was no sight of anything that would arouse suspicion of a rumoured drug addict. "See anything, hmm?" He taunted, slyly.

I shook my head, no. No joint of any type, nothing. God this kid is crazy! I haven't even seen drugs before. Jamie used to tell me scary stories about them so I would never ponder the question of doing drugs/smoking.

"Look here," He pointed to the corner of the screen, I still saw nothing. Why would I have have weed at all, let alone at Darcy's house. The, now, zoomed picture showed nothing but Darcy's mother's vase, a clear, oddly shaped, object. Of which was heavily tinted with a green colour. My brain then registered what Toby was thinking. He thought the vase was a bong.

"That photo was taken at Darcy's house, Toby, you idiot. It's his mother's vase. Also why would it be displayed in their living room if it was a bong?" It then went silent. Toby avoided eye contact, occasionally inspecting the photo, he was deep in thought.

"Well then," he nervously chuckled, "This is awkward."

"Why would you want to smoke with me anyway?"

"I need a new dealer, the old one was trying to get me to try especially bad stuff like ice, meth. I only do marijuana, only in the off season." He explained, trying to support his case, "I'was hoping you'd have a dealer you could hook me up with, but.. uh.."

"Oh," was all I could say as we remained silent.

After a few minutes, which were the most uncomfortable minutes ever, passed he spoke up, "You should leave, like get out of the car. I need to get home," He said, bluntly. Bipolar much?

"Mm, okay." I spat, not wanting another minute of being around him. I quickly opened the door, hopped out and slammed it shut.

I watched his audi speed off and I rubbed my shoulders for warmth. What an asshole. I looked around and took in my surroundings. Shit, I thought. I'm definitely lost. I saw a sign, which was conveniently behind me and saw the words; North Essendon Regional Park. I switched on my phone and optimistically looked at my bars. Smiling, I had 4. I then looked too my battery percentage and saw the numbers 14%. Well whoever I call better bloody answer. I thought to myself, before opening my contacts in hope of a saviour.


a/n i have no idea where this is going tbh..

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