chapter twenty-seven

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a/n y'all this book is soon coming to a close and I'm really happy with it !! Love you all and I'm ready to finish this story the right way :)

" then I look in my heart there's a light in the dark, " niall horan,, flicker

darcy moore
And as I watched from the bench, sending a nervous glance to Phillips, of which he returned with a reassuring nod. I took in a deep breath.

"Hey," Tom called, "if you weren't ready, you wouldn't be playing. Right?" He asks, more of a statement however his words were encouraging and I sat up straight.


"Moore, Phillips and Varcoe you guys change for hm-?" The representative spoke, thinking to himself before continuing. "Treloar, Crisp and - Uh - Mayne. Go.. now!" Without hesitating, my lanky legs began to carry me across the field, meeting Jack Crisp and indicating he would be coming off. He nodded, patting me on the back before mumbling a good luck and took off.

Come on Darcy, I thought to myself, do it for Daisy!

I watched the middle as Brodie and Zach (Zach Smith = Geelong ruckman) jump for the ball in the Rick and the game sets into play. You got this, you got this.

Diving for the ball, I quickly snatch it away from the opposition and handball it too Jordan. Running towards our goal-kicking end, I internally smiled. It wasn't to difficult, I guess. I heard the crowd cheer as the ball was then marked by Josh (Thomas) in the forward 50. Nice!

I stood a good 25 meters from Josh, watching intently, as the first potential Collingwood goal is kicked from his boot. We needed this. Geelong were had already scored 2 goals, as well as a few behinds, so if we wanted a chance at winning we needed a goal before the first quarter ends. Judging from the 3 points we've only scored in the first 20 or so minutes, our goal-kicking was quite inaccurate today. But I knew josh, he was 45 out, he'd never miss a shot like this.

As everyone watches Thomas intently, the newly returned player send the ball flying to what we thought was the goals but was actually to Phillips who marks the goal and later sends it through the goal posts.

As the game continues I remain on the field throughout the rest of the 1st quarter and start on for the second.

Playing quite well for myself, fumbling occasionally, but okay for my first game, and being the person who plays-off-confidence- kind of guy, sees an opportunity for a specky.

Ego taking over me I try for a Jeremy Howe styled mark, and ended up dramatically falling to the ground. Opening my eyes after 10 Seconds I notice that a shooting pain is coming from my knee and wince slightly. Bracing for a painful experience, I slowly try to get up, noticing the play at the other end of the field. Dunn comes from behind me and pats my back slightly.

"You alright, mate?" He asks worriedly. He and I look to our side seeing Will lining up for goal and I sigh in relief knowing that soon the interchange would come in and I would be able to be taken off.
I shake my head quickly and for a longer-than-necessary time frame.

"No- Uh no. It doesn't feel right, Lynden." I pulled in my lips, folding them into a straight line.

"Oh shit." He mumbles, "hang on," he says before a loud eruption of claps and cheering occurs, signalling Hoskin-Elliott scored a goal. I bend over, feeling light headed and look to my right, seeing how close I am to the stands. Placing my hands on my knees for balance, I scan the crowd not knowing what I should do.

My eyes land on another pair, and it was as if everything went slow. It was the only person looking directly at me. The only one not cheering for the goal or sneering I'm disappointment. The only spectator who was showed that they were concerned about me. I continue to hold a stare with this person who, in actual fact, isn't just a person or spectator. She was the only girl in the world who was going to make this okay.

Knowing that I have further injured myself, extending my absence from football of which I just returned. Worried about how I was going to recover from a weak hamstring and a stuffed up knee. Wondering how I was ever gonna get back into football. Call me a cliche but I knew everything was going to be fine, because she was here, just like she said. And in this moment in time, I was painless, because I was so distracted by how beautiful she looked with loose strands of hair sticking out from her magpies beanie. I smiled slightly, happy only because of her being there. And she smiled sadly back, acknowledging my fate. And we continued to stare at each other until I was pulled from my trance by two medical treaters. They wrapped their arms around me and helped me hop along to the other side of the field, where the interchange bench is.

As I was now aware of my pain I thought of only three things. One; I am in so, so much pain right now. Two; I, this tall football player, must look ridiculous trying to be supported by two people half his height. And three; When is someone going to get Daisy?

As I arrived at the bench, my breath unsteady (not as unsteady as the panting medics, who must be terribly unfit). My breathing was loud, and the three other players on the bench jogged over from their warm up. Jaidyn, Adam and Josh.

"Shit, you okay, Moore." Treloar said. I wanted to say I'll be fine or Yeah it's okay or even No this f*cking kills. Instead all that fell from my mouth was:


The two boys (Jaidyn and Josh) were confused, looking at each other, searching for an answer, Treloar the only one who was aware of who she was, still showed a face of confusion, but still just looked at me.

"What?" Josh asked, completely unaware of anything.

"Daisy Elliott, get me Daisy now."I said sternly. I was looking at the ground, I had no idea of what was wrong but I needed to see her, I was stressed. Seeing her seemed like the only way to calm down.

"Hold on, Darcy, mate." Josh said, "Quarter's almost over, then we'll sort out whatever you need."

I didn't argue or try to negotiate, I knew there was no point. "Okay."

"Okay?" Jaidyn asked, reassuringly.

"Y-yeah, okay."

daisy's pov
And when I saw him in pain, I felt my body collapse inside. He was so hurt but I couldn't help him, he wouldn't even be able to look at me.

He was so close, yet, with all these people, the odds of him seeing me were between 0 and -100. No chance.

And then I saw his eyes, and I knew he would be okay, because he had me and he had Jamie and he had the rest of the team. But most of all me, a girl who was going to love him with all her heart so that his pain would be so numb it would be nonexistent. And I think he new it too.


that was kinda sad? Idk
I don't know if y'all are sensitive or not so... yeah.
Btw way, Josh is Josh Thomas is you get confused along the way and if there are any other uncertainties don't hesitate to comment, I'm active all day everyday so yeah.
Btw I know Darcy is out for a hamstring injury and not a knee injury but I went to the Geelong game and didn't see when he injured himself only when he went for a mark and I wanna make this story kinda realistic so you can be like "omg I remember this, cool!"

Okay, okay. Sorry long authors note so I'll go now.

Bye lovelies!

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