chapter twenty-three

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a/n: guysss I have a pretty much set plan for the ending, but it's pretty odd and sad..  i will however continue too write a total of 30 chapters upon request.

Anyway, the following chapter is dedicated too fivedirectionmix . thank you so much for voting and commenting, it is much appreciated.

And my final note is that both Darcy Moore and Adam Treloar weren't at the collingwood open training.. Disappointed much? comment if you attended on Wednesday!!

" I don't wanna control you, I wanna set you free, " miguel,, told you so


we arrived, despite Ryan's earlier concerns, quite early to the open training. Turns out that when the time set is 9:30am the players do not come out until an hour later. Ryan must have shit himself when he saw the look I gave him, after finding out we had to stand around for an extra hour on top of the actual training and don't forget the autograph signings afterwards. Jamie was a favourite, and we would have to stick around for ages if he took as long as last time.


"Hurry the fuck up, Jamie." Ryan yelled, pissed off. "We've been watching you sign autographs for the pst 3 hours!" It was hard to hear over the large conversation excited 13-17 year-olds made. It was like being at a One Direction concert (Except Zayn is still in the band in this scenario).

"Three hours Ryan? Don't you think that's a bit excessive?" Jamie argued back. I rolled my eyes.

"Check the time, Moron." I groaned. Reluctantly, Jamie obliged and took his phone from his back pocket. His eyes gazed over the screen and he sighed.

"Jeez." He winced. With his eyes, he motioned for me to get the Collingwood Intern. The caked-face girl was pacing back and forth along the fence which was separating players and fans. She was patrolling, making sure no supporter was beyond the fence. I sighed, understanding he wanted me to get her to take away the crowd of fans, particularly girls.

Hesitantly, I crouched under the fence and marched up to her. She turned around, ready to scold me to get back under the fence. She saw my face and changed her attitude, plastering a fake smile on her face. She had always loved Jamie, she had been with the club for 4 years, yet she was still an intern and unemployed. Once she realised Jamie wasn't an easy target, she changed her attention to Ryan. At first, I wasn't sure why. Ryan looked like a 30-year-old hobo who lives in his step-dad's basement. Then I recognised what she was doing and new she was using Ryan to get closer to Jamie. Ryan tolerated none if though. HE just pushed her away when she was really close and Jamie and I piss ourselves laughing as we watch the two.

"Hey Delia!" She greeted awkwardly.

"Hey Chelsea.." She nodded about to say something but I cut her off. "Look, Jamie needs your-" Her eyes lit up and her neck snapped, even more so, towards me. " So you need to get rid of that crowd," I said, almost demanding.

Without a second thought, Chelsea marched towards the crowd and people began to flee. Jamie looked towards my figure and smiled warmly, pure happiness shone from his face.

"You owe me, J!" I called out, he waved me off as he started to walk inside the holden centre.

flashback over

That day, I remember being truly happy. No one was fighting. I wasn't in a love complication with a good a friend. My brother and I didn't hate each other. And I was content with my life. It was then, in my moment of reliving a happy memory, that I was rethinking this whole "Talking-it-out-with-Jamie" thing. I just wanted to go home, I just wished things were fine again.

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