alternate ending

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this occurs before the epilogue. just a heads up that the epilogue wouldn't occur with this alternative ending

"F*ck! Holy shit! It's gonna start any second what do we do?!" The faint sound of Adam Treloar's yelling was evident to my ears. What the f*ck is going on? Suddenly my head felt an aching pain. I groaned lightly, still my eyes closed.

"Daisy? Daisy are you okay, kiddo?" I heard another voice say.

I opened my eyes and saw both Adam and Alex staring at me with concerned expressions.
"What happened?" I asked in a low groggy voice.

The two boys smiled at each other in relief. "Oh thank God. You just passed out."

I nodded slightly so many thoughts were going through my head. "Where's Jamie? Darcy? Is he still in hospital? Where are we right now?"

"Darcy? In hospital?" Adam furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you going on about? Never mind for now. Everyone is already at the venue! Come on we've only got about a half hour to fix you up." Fix me up? What is happening? "How do you feel? Dizzy? Tired? Nauseous?"

"I'm confused. Where is Darcy and Jamie?!" I demanded the two boys looked at each other in fear.

"Jamie is waiting at the reception and Darcy? I don't know, I guess he's probably at the reception too."

"Reception? Reception, what do you mean, reception?" I had no recollection of what happened other than Darcy.

"Oh no." Adam widened his eyes and rubbed his temples whilst Alex still looked frustrated and confused.

"What do you mean 'Oh no.'" Alex asked Adam.

"She doesn't remember anything! She doesn't know the wedding is today!"

"Shut up!" I scream they both stop bickering and look at me with terrified glares. "Please. Please just get Jamie."

"Ok? Ok. We'll get Jamie. Don't panic ok? Alex come with me and we'll sort this." Adam said calmly with a monotone expression, meanwhile our other friend was rocking on his feet next to him, biting his nails. Alex nods slightly before he and Adam exit the room.

My headache was excruciating and I could feel it only progressing. I wanted my brother and my other brother and boyfriend. I just needed Jamie, Ryan and Darcy and then I'd be okay.

I was still so confused, though. What was actually happening? And why are Alex and Adam so freaked out? In an attempt to answer my own questions, I pressed my ear against the the door to eavesdrop drop my friend's conversation.

"What the fuck are we gonna do Ads?! She doesn't remember anything! She doesn't know today's the wedding! She is completely unbeknownst to her and Tom. And she keeps asking for Darcy? What's that about?" Me and Tom?

"Alex I need you to fucking calm down. For God's sake, I swear ever since you moved to Carlton you've been more annoying." I could almost feel Adam's eye roll. "I know! What if I get Kim? She'll know what to do!"

"Are you crazy? The less people that know the better!"

"She's our only shot of getting Daisy back to herself. The poor girls got no clue about what's going on! This isn't just gonna be an easy fix, Fas!" Alex yelled. An easy fix? This sounds bad. No, scratch that, it sounds horrible. Can't someone just bring me my brother?

"Adam, we just need to listen to her and get her brother, ok?"

"Fine, fine. I'll stay here with her and you go find him. Maybe bring Darcy too."

Alex paused for a second.

"Alright." He finally agreed, "I'll be as quick as I can."

I swiftly moved back to my chair on the other side of the room, realising Adam would be coming back inside. As presumed he did, giving me a weak smile as he did so.

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