chapter fifteen

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" don't think because your with me this is real, " ZAYN,, wRoNg ft kehlani

"Hey!" I exclaimed, sending Marcus a sympathetic smile, "I'm so sorry you had to pick me up, Toby said he would and then changed his mind. So now we're meeting there." I sighed.

"Oh and sorry to you, Caleb," I turned around in my seat to see the short man,

"I didn't realise you two were a thing." I said, gesturing the word 'two'  with my fingers.

"We're not!" They shouted at the same time, which made me jump in my seat.

"Okay, okay! Geez," I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why can't two guys go to a party together and just go as friends?" Marcus sighed as Caleb groaned, agreeing with Bonte.  Marcus turned the steering wheel, redirecting the car to the freeway. Perks of living in Essendon.

"Anyways.. Daisy, you look beautiful." Caleb complimented me, I blushed.

"Thanks, Daniels. You clean up nice, too." I returned the comment.

"Hey!" Marcus winged, "What about me? I look nice, right?"

"Uhh, sure Marcus." I replied simply, flicking my hair over my shoulders as Caleb chuckled to himself. Marcus pouted and turned off the radio.

"I'm joking, you look cute, Bont," I sent him a smile.

"Thanks!" He replied with a large grin.


We pulled up at 'The Anglers' which wasn't an overly huge venue, but convenient because they booked the whole place out.

"Yes, I love this place," Caleb exclaimed, as we walked up to the doors.

"You know we're not eating here, right?" I said, instantly knowing that Caleb was talking about the food.

"Oh," He looked down as Marcus and I laughed, lightly.

We continued to walk the long distance to the front entrance of the venue, music growing louder as we grew closer.

"Hey, looks like your date is already here," Bonte commented, pointing to a white nissan.

"How did you know it is him?"

"Read the number plate," Doing so, my eyes scanned over the letters and number 'GREENE4'.

"Well then," I huffed, instantly regretting agreeing to go with Toby.

"Don't worry, Dais. You can come hang with us if he is a bludge." Caleb sent a small smile as we opened the doors and walked in.

Music was loud, making the room seem like it was jumping. My eyes scanned the room for familiar faces and I spotted Brodie and Jamie, Jordan, Alex and Josh. They finally landed on Toby's figure and I awkwardly made my way towards him.

His head turned and saw me coming this way. He nodded, letting me know that he acknowledged my being.

"Hey," I greeted, waving strangely,

"Hello," He sighed. Uh.. okay then.

"So.." I trailed out of my sentence.

"Hey do you wanna get out of here?" I furrowed my eyebrows, "This party is pretty much a bludge," He lightly chuckled. More like your a bludge.

"Um.. do you mind if we stay for like 10, 20 minutes? We just got here?" I negotiated, not wanting to leave, especially with him. He groaned and rolled his eyes. Um excuse me, bitch.

"If you have too.." He spat in annoyance.

"I just wanna say hi to my friends." Then an idea popped into my brain. "Unless.. you wanna leave now, without me?" I prayed he would say yes. But almost instantly he said, no.

"No your coming with me, Daisy."

"O--Okay. I'll see you in 10,"

"I'll be waiting here."

"Bro...." I dragged out swinging one arm around my brothers shoulders.

"Uh, what do you want?" he said, completely disinterested.

"I just wanted to say hi." I rolled my eyes, "But my presence clearly isn't wanted her so.." I turned around and walked away, hearing Jamie get booed my his mates. As I walked off towards the bar, I realised that Darcy wasn't there, which was odd because they do everything together.

I pulled out my phone, coming to a halt, and texted my brother quickly.

daisy: Marcus is dropping me home.

I then switch to another message thread;
daisy: oi. where are you?

daisy: your not here?

I received a reply almost instantly

darcy: feeling pretty tired, my ass is sore asf and I can't be bother celebrating football at the moment..

daisy: oh. okay see you Tuesday.

I then saw dustin and dane near the DJ and made my way towards them. One final stop i thought, one more stop until i have to leave.. I internally groaned, again, not wanting leave.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed giving boy of them hugs.

"Hey, what's good, Daisy?" Dane replied, taking a sip from his drink in the red solo cup.

"Nothing, really. Great party by the way." I commented

"Yeah it's pretty nice, this year" Dustin agreed.

More people then began to flood the venue and we got pushed away from each other. Well then..
I yelled a 'goodbye' however, I doubt they heard me.

I looked for Toby, which didn't take long because he was one of the only people on his phone.

"We'll go?" He asked. If we have too..

"Yeah sure," I looked back at Jamie as we made our way to the exit. Our eyes locked for a couple seconds as my brother took in the situation and realised that I was leaving. As if he had just been shot, he gasped and his eyes widened. I pushed Toby out of door. If Jamie wants to be a dick, fine. But don't come and be a brother/best friend just when you feel like it.

We reached the short boys car and drove off.

"So were are we going?" I asked cheerfully, probably a bit to happily.

He turned to me and smirked as he picked up the speed of the nissan. "Oh, you'll see," He gave me one last look, which made me feel quite uncomfortable, before turning his attention back to the road.

what have I got myself into?

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