chapter ten

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" coz I have hella feelings for you, " blackbear,, idfc
daisy's pov
"Unless you're Ryan, leave!" I yelled through my pillow. People have been trying to come and cheer me up, but honestly, that will make it worse. Why? because it dwells on the fact that people sending me hate, the thing i'm trying to forget in the first place.

"Not Ryan, but can I come in?" I heard Jamie's voice and groaned.

"If you have too." I mumbled in an annoyed tone.

My door swiftly opened and I saw Jamie and Darcy standing at the end of my bed.

"If you said you were with Darcy, you could have just opened the door." I said, slightly happy that Darcy was here. He blushed at my reaction to his presence.

"Hey so... Darcy here, wants to ask you something." Jamie said, pushing Darcy forward and coughed awkwardly. So they're not here to cheer me up.

"Um Daisy." Darcy stuttered as I smiled at his nervousness. Darcy was always amusing to me. He was very attractive and always so kind, he was hilarious at most times and never left me in a time of vulnerability. A true friend.

The tall, brown haired, boy was someone whom I occasionally thought as someone more than a friend. Sometimes we would be laughing and goofing around and our lips would just end up being centimetres away from each other. But I really only want to be friends with him. It would not only ruin our friendship but his and Jamie's as well. Nothing would go right. Besides the point, he most likely doesn't feel anything towards me either.

"Yes," I smiled widely as Jamie furiously bit are his nails.

"I was wondering if you would come see 'IT' with me?" My ears perked up at the offer. Finally! Someone will watch it with me.

"I would take Jamie, but he's to scared,"

"No I'm not. I want to see it." Darcy ignored him.

"So it's like a date?" I rose an eyebrow, questioning this 'hang out'

"No! Not at all, this is just two friends catching a movie. what do ya say?" Darcy said defensively.

"Oh. Well, then if it's not a date, Jamie come with us." I gestured to my brother, whose eyes grew wide. I saw in the corner of my eye, Darcy face palming.

"No, no. You guys have fun! Don't worry about me, I'll watch it another time." He smiled nervously, motioning for us to leave.

"Really, Its fine. Right, Darcy?" I looked up to the frowning boy.

"Yeah, uh sure. Why not?" He half shrugged.

"Cool, I'll be ready soon, I'm just gonna use the bathroom." Both mumbled a 'sure' and nodded as I skipped past the two.


darcy's pov

"Well that went well," Jamie said sarcastically, after Daisy left.

"What did you want me to say? Hm? Sorry he can't come because I want you all to myself." I ranted in an mocking tone.

"And why couldn't you make a better excuse, huh?" I questioned.

"She put me on the spot, Darcy." He replied, sighing in defeat.

"My point exactly." I said crossing my arms over my chest. Sighing, I spoke, "At least we learnt that she doesn't want to be alone with me." I saw Jamie frown.

"Darcy, she's just coming out of a relationship, okay? Give her time." I slouched down in Daisy desk chair.

"Plus I can sit on the other side of you so she doesn't lean on me or anything."

"You're very encouraging of me, dating your sister."

"Who's sister?" I heard Daisy's voice ask, innocently.

Me and Jamie looked at each other, Shit.

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