Their World???

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"Ten more minutes" I pleaded mom .I was watching the first episode of Dgray man and matter how many times i watched it i never got bored.
But it was way past my sleep time and i could barely keep my eyes open. I didn't even realise that  I fell asleep.....




well that's a familiar voice....



Groggily I opened my eyes and guess who I was laying on?


"KANDA!!!" I yelped getting off him."What are you doing in my room ??"I shrieked .

"Your room is right outside the black order....My, my how could I be so blind." came the sarcastic reply.

Outside the black order?

Like what!

"Ano....who are you ?"asked a girl's voice.
"Lenalee?"and I looked behind to see "Allen Walker?" I exclaimed in utter disbelief .
"Ara....she knows our names!"said a surprised lenalee.
"Must be an akuma....your pathetic life ends here" said kanda as he unsheathed his mugen.

What??? no no no no no no no!

"Matte, matte you've got it all wrong kanda!" i pleaded.

"She isn't an left eye would have reacted"said allen trying to help me.
At this his mugen stopped righr before my throat.
"How can you be so sure allen kun?Even though she doesn't really seem like one..." asked lenalee.

"Well you see..." Allen began but i didn't hear the rest of the conversation ....the world has suddenly became black....
( time skip by mr nobody )

Mom probably was shaking me to wake me up....of course I had to go to school.

"you know i had a very funny dream last night involved the dgrayman characters..."

my eyes still half closed i continued ."i guess i dreamt the first episode....i saw Allen,LenaLee and Kanda"
i sat up still rubbing my eyes.
"Allen and lenalee were nice but kanda tried to kill me....he even said i was an akuma.....i mean c'mon!the mugen was so close to my neck that even if i moved an inch i would have died horribly.

HECK! i could have died from shock but nooooo let's go and threaten me to the extent where i get so scared that i can't explain anything.....bakanda..."

Suddenly rather dark vibes began to come from behind me. uhh.... since when is my mom a fan of kanda?
"mom is something the ma.."
i stopped dead.The whole of the black order was standing in front of me.....and so was the source of the bad vibes...aka kanda.
oh dear....

"uhh....haha....why hello kanda....err.....good morning ???"
i said grasping the current situation and was rather nervous .
"bakanda....huh?" he said in a dangerously low voice.
"now now d-d-don't get to worked up......haha....i am still young and have a l-long life ahead.....i don't wanna die..."i said nervously .

and all at once everyone started laughing....except me and kanda.
komui had tears in his eyes from laughing.

i wanna's better than embarrassment....oh wait...,that's not the right wish with an angry kanda in front of you.....he would happily oblige.

so right now allen and reever were holding him back from killing did not end till he decided to give me a nickname.
he said.
"my name is y/n!not pest..."i said glaring at him....though if looks could kill, i would have died long back.

komui had finally regained his composure. Wiping his eyes he looked at me and said."so you know all our names?"

"pretty much"

"but how do you know it?"asked lenalee.

then i went on to explain that there was an anime series called dgrayman...which people of our world watch.They were shocked to know that there was no earl millennium in our world and neither did exorcists.

after explaining i paused to take a look around me.i was at the hospital infirmary....on a bed.
"uh...if you don't mind me asking...who got me here?"i asked them.
Another roar of laughter.ok....
"bakanda did" said allen laughing .
"shut up....moyashi"
"it's allen!!!"
" che.....i don't care"
so kanda carried me till here.well what can i say.....1 wish off the impossible bucket list.
"hey pest..,.why are you smiling to your self ?? you look like an idiot ....oh wait you already are."
said kanda
"one I've already told you my name is y/n....two i am smiling because i am in the world of my favorite anime(lies) and three...I AM NOT AN IDIOT."i yelled at him.
" okay enough both of you....(y/n) it's already late in the night.i will allot a room for you we will see tomorrow morning about what can be done."
said komui.
"che whatever "
"likewise .....bakanda."
receiving a last glare from him...i left following komui out of the hospital.

"lenalee take her to her room."said komui.
"hai nii San, come on y/n."

i hurried after her.
this is going to be interesting .

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