first mission

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true to my word i stepped forward and had just put my arm forward to drag him when (thankfully) through the golem hovering over us komui asked me and kanda to meet him in his office.

"can i come with you?"pleaded allen.

"NO"interrupted kanda. ugh...seriously ?
"no one spoke to you baka..."
i was talking to the walls...kanda and Allen both immersed in fighting left! i can go myself .....

(after twenty minutes of me desperately searching for the office)

"i am here !!"i exclaimed .
"thank god! i was beginning to think you got lost.."said komui waving his dramatically .
"i did...since doll face over there didn't bother to wait for me."
a tick appeared on kanda and i know i had got him.

"what did you call me?"hissed kanda.
" face's deaf! my sympathies ...."i said rolling my eyes.
"why you.."

and komui stood between us .
"that's enough !Now shake hands and make peace!"

no hand moved.

"come on~~"
"che"said kanda and held out his hand.
"good! now (y/n)chan!!" my eye twitched as i put my hand to meet his.

they are warm?wow...i thought otherwise ....

"uhh you guys can let go now.."said komui.

we both jerked our hand backwards realizing that we had held hands a bit too long.

"che" I imitated him and received a glare.
"okay now that i have your attention,i would like to talk to you about your mission..."said komui fixing his specs.

"my first mission!!!oh my god!!"i squealed. "oh...who am i going with?"i asked jumping.
"NO!" we both yelled together.
"good to see you agree on something." chuckled komui.
"isn't anyone else coming?"i asked...
"yes lavi is also coming"
"'ll be entertaining " i smiled evilly .
"did you call komui?"asked a familiar red head.
"and you sure are early lavi.."i said smiling .
he turned to look at me then yelled "STRIKE!" Before noticing kanda and said"eh Yuu?even you are c.."
"shut up!baka usagi!"..,,and the mugen is at lavi's throat. see...knew it would be entertaining !

"where are we going?"i asked ignoring the two boys behind.

"you three will be going to japan...there has been unusually high akuma activity there, i would like you to find out if there is an innocence involved and retrieve it."

"but..."i was unsure,"i don't know how to use my innocence yet...and i didn't even get to train" i continued glaring at kanda who calmly looked ahead.

"that's the see akuma..innocence reacts to akuma...akuma discover innocence !YAY!!" and suddenly there were balloons and ribbons flying in the air.

well it's an anime after all.

"oh...and what if the innocence doesn't react?"

" it always does! it has to!"exclaimed komui.

"hmm when are we leaving ?"
"oh well then meet you after the mission komui!"
"yup and take care!"
and the door closed."so ...."i looked up and tried to start conversation ."i am going to pack" and with that kanda left.
typical kanda .

"ne ne what's your name?are you the new exorcist from another dimension ? "
i laughed and then said " name's (y/n) and yes i am that infamous exorcist...though i had no idea that news travelled that fast"

"no wonder you knew my name!!for a second i thought you had telepathic powers!"he added.

i laughed as we walked down the hall. when we reached kanda emerged from his room ."oi!!!kanda is your neighbor ??"

"uh yeah?"
was there something wrong with that?
"no fair yuu!"and ......the mugen is at his throat.

"do you have a death wish?"kanda threatened .
completely ignoring him lavi continued ."how come you always get all the cute girls?and you are not even chivalric ."

"i shall take the pleasure of cutting you into pieces and present to komui."

"m-matte"stuttered lavi.

i giggled softly but it didn't go unnoticed .
"what are you laughing about pest?"snarled kanda.
"she is soooo cute~~"said lavi in a dreamy voice.

"i am giggling at how adorable you both are"i said smiling.

"e-eh?"stammered he's flustered .
"che...."kanda said and left lavi.
"you both better not be late ,I'll give you five minutes ...."he warned."300....299..298"

"okay we get the point...geez"i said giving one last smile at lavi and rushed into my room.
(after i packed)
i made my way to the station with lavi.....yeah....kanda being 'patient ' left us and went .

at the station we saw a scowling kanda waiting for us."hey kanda!"i greeted him.

he barely looked at me and went into the compartment .RUDE!

sighing i followed with lavi behind me. the train started after a while. then came the moment of truth....
there were two seats on either side lavi was sitting on the other kanda....what made it worse is that both of them were looking at me in....anticipation ?
yup that's the word.

"uh...where do i sit?"i asked uncomfortable with them staring."beside me!!"jumped lavi grinning like a child.
"on the floor.."said kanda coldly.
i rolled my eyes then smirked
"since i received such a sweet invitation from you,kanda ....i am going to sit next to you." and went and sat next to him despite death glares i received from him.

lavi whined like a child who lost his candy....uh that was a weird simile....forget i said that.

soon after lavi as usual started his famous story of the chinese girl .

kanda got pissed."i am leaving."
"noo...matte yuu!"i wailed grabbing his hand....before realizing what i did.

i called him yuu.
i grabbed his hand.
someone just start digging a grave for me please.

kanda was staring at me with an unreadable expression on his face .then he looked down at our hands. oops.... i didn't let go.

"i-i ....yeah!a team should stick together!"i said jerking back my hand and biting my lips as was my habit whenever i am uneasy.

oh my god!i have no idea how to react to this...kyaaaa.

" would you look at the two love birds!" commented lavi smirking.
lovebirds??!! seriously ? but he got his due punishment ....kanda chased him all over the compartment saying "baka usagi"

told ya it's going to be eventful.

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