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"so tell me about your world" asked lenalee.
"honestly speaking's pretty boring .no akuma no innocence no exorcist no noah clan...well maybe we are better of without the Noahs though."
lenalee laughed at this.
"well since you have been watching us must have a favourite character....hmmm?"
she asked teasingly .
"w-what no! of course not!"i denied though someone did come into my head.
"your face says otherwise....come on pleeeeeasee."
she pleaded with puppy eyes.
this is bad.

we stopped in front of a door.
oh well here goes nothing...
"it's k-"
and the door next to us opened revealing a grumpy kanda.
immediately my face became scarlet as i tried to patch up.

"i's k-inda difficult to decide....haha...well too many great characters ."i said fidgeting .

lenalee looked at me confused while kanda glared at me." what are you doing here pest ."

before i could answer
lenalee screamed"KANDA....why??? she was going to tell me her crush's name and you interrupted ."
" what is she doing here?"he repeated.
Exasperated lenalee said"it's her room..."
"next to mine??" asked kanda completely pissed.
"yup and you better not scare her away." warned lenalee.
"whatever ..."and the door slammed close .'s a great start.

"don't worry he actually is very nice....he just hides his feelings very well."lenalee explained sighing a bit.
"but i have no idea what made like this.."

oh but i do....i thought as i recalled the episodes showing alma and kanda.
it was really sad especially the part were little kanda was looking towards the blue sky and...
"hellllllooo!(y/n)..,,geez you don't have to be that sad also!"said lenalee snapping me back to reality.
"no i was just thinking ...anyway thanks lenalee!!and a goodnight to you!"
"goodnight !!" she smiled back and waved me goodbye and went down the corridor.

silence .

dead silence.

i quietly closed the door and entered the room.
sighing i looked at myself in the mirror .
i looked tired and confused .oh well....
i flopped down on the bed and almost immediately fell asleep.
(time skip)

i eyes fluttered open and i looked at my watch.

4:00 am.

must i really be such an early riser?
yawning i walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.
i wonder if i have innocence ....please god one more wish off the impossible bucket list pleeeeeaseee.

changing into the spare clothes i walked out of my room...,.in my boots.
okay!!enough of these noisy things. Suddenly i heard someone shift in the room next to me. Gulping i realized that it was kanda's room.
removing my boots i took a few steps back and went inside my room...peeping from my slightly open door.

sure enough kanda came out of his room and looked around for awhile ....shook his head and went back in again. i waited for a while and then dashed down the corridor and to the floor below.

stopping to catch my breath i looked behind .no one.
then i let out a squeal of delight .
i was in dgm world!!!
"And just what do you think you are doing.....pest"

one word

i turned back to see an annoyed kanda glaring right back at me.
"uhh well i woke up and thought why waste my time when i can explore this place!!"i stated truthfully .
he gave me calculated look before he asked me a very dumb question indeed.
"Are you a noah?"
i took a while to understand he was suspecting me.

and i? .....this was so ridiculous that.....i burst out laughing. And his pissed look made it worse.
i was rolling on the floor with laughter.
"me??a noah??hahahaha have got a lot of expectation from me kanda!!oh god you are hilarious !!"i said wiping my tears.

"you still haven't answered my question "
my god he is completely i decided to play around.
"ohh yes i am and guess what ?i am the noah of insanity!!"
and i started laughing again till i heard the familiar sound of a sword being unsheathed.

oh no.

Kanda had drawn his mugen out.
"k-k-kanda y-you do realize i was j-joking ...right?"

reply :"mugen activate"

" murder!!"i yelled running with kanda on my heels.
i ran and rammed into someone.
"oh (y/n)!,you're up early....Goodmorning!"
said a delighted komui."oh komui thank god...HELP KANDA IS TRYING TO KILL ME!!"i yelled into his ears.
"tell me who kanda doesn't want to kill"
" you don't understand he thinks i am a.."
oh shit.
"komui please save me...that dumb idiot thinks i am a noah!!"
"are you?"
"KOMUI!!"i said horrified .
by then kanda had come and everyone in the science division thinks i am a Noah .


"people give me a break....i am not a noah"i said exasperated .

"we just have your word for it....pest"sneered kanda.

i looked at all of them.i gripped the hem of my skirt and gulped down the curses threatening to come out.
"I AM NOT A NOAH! god...."then i turned to kanda"AND I HATE YOU FOR CREATING THIS SITUATION."
kanda slightly widened his eyes. i stomped out of the room.
(time skip)

just great....looks like i am lost.
sighing to myself i leaned against a wall and waited....
soon enough .
"y/n!!goodmor....oh my god what happened ?"asked lenalee.
oh yeah my eyes and nose must be red from all that sniffing and crying.
i told everything starting from waking up in the morning .she listened and then said"i am so was a plan"
she then explained to me that they needed to certify whether i was a noah or not.
"But you will still be my friend right?right?"she asked me panicking .
"yes of course...but."
" but what?"
"i doubt i will ever talk to kanda
"oh please!!he was just..."
and she stopped...
" he wasn't supposed to tell the whole science division though" she added quietly .
"exactly,now let's go to cafeteria ..i am starving!"i said to lighten up the mood .
"hai!!" lenalee chirped and both of us headed towards the cafeteria .
(at the cafeteria)
"ohiyo y/n chan!!" grinned Allen.
"ohiyo Allen,sup?" i asked him and we heard a loud stomach rumbling.
"hungry aren't you allen?"i asked a flushed allen as lenalee giggled beside me.
"same here now let's go!"and i took both allen and lenalee to the queue .
"oh a new pretty face...what's your name sweetie?"asked jerry.
"y/n and i have heard a lot about your cooking skills "
"i am so flattered !!!tell me what can i get you three?"
(after ordering)
I sat in between Allen and lenalee.As i listened to his funny details of the mission i felt someone 's stare boring into my skull. looking up i saw kanda staring right at me.i immediately averted my eyes lest my mood worsened. this guy is bad to my mental state .
"heh?why is kanda glaring at us?"asked lenalee.
"ignore him...he thinks it's my fault ."i hissed.
but despite all this my gaze still flickered to him and he always seemed to be scrutinizing me.

this is awkward .

"by the way sorry for what happened today.."said allen
"you know the noah thing ...the entire science division is upset.,.especially komui....he was sulking the last time i saw him.

i kept quiet.....then said "demo...allen it's not you who should apologize's "

"oy pest komui wants to see you."
came a sharp voice.

yup..kanda really needs to apologise.

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