✨Joseph Joestar💕

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This is just a tiny update to just appreciate the fabulous Joseph Joestar. So grab a chair, sit in it, and watch some of his greatest moments. Like all his "Oh no, Holy sh*t, Son of a b*tch" moments. Or even his Your next line is...compilation.

Or celebrate by drawing him, singing his song, making a fanfic..WHATEVER FLOATS YOUR BOAT!

So remember to mark y'alls calenders that Joseph's birthday is officially on September 27th. AND DONT FORGET TO PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARTAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

Also, SHOUT OUT TO...Raviloi_Ravioli !

Just cuz I wanted to

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Just cuz I wanted to. And puzzyki113rp !

Imma get on that immediately! 👌

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Imma get on that immediately! 👌

In other news I'm gonna update some more stories, but I also kinda wanna do a Q and A. If you want to ask me a question, go in the comments. But no personal stuff guys. Plz and thnk u!

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