VIII - School pt 1

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Um ya boi finally gave in and got into the Be More Chill fandom. It's so great I love it too much ah!!!!!
Also prepare yourself for a super long chapter

Alexander woke up to the sound of his beeping alarm clock. He shifted on his side to turn it off, then stared at the glowing letters. 5:30 am. Why does school here have to start at 7:30? He thought to himself as he dragged himself out of his bed. He went into his closet and pulled out a random t shirt, jeans, and a blue flannel.

He made his way downstairs and to the kitchen. He found Laf staring at the toaster with his head resting in his arms on the counter. The toast was done but Laf seemed to tired to notice.

"Uh, Laf?" "Hm?" "Your, your toast is done" "what? Oh! Hehe, I'm way to tired to function today, mon ami" Laf stood up straight and grabbed the toast. Alex decided to make himself a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch and ate it tiredly, along with Laf who was basically asleep at this point. Alexander was honestly nervous. He was scared in fact. He had no idea what school in America would be like at all.

They two finished getting ready and by this point George was awake as well, ready to drive them to school. "Okay, normally you two would be taking the bus but since it's the first day I'm driving you" He explained grabbing his car keys.

They pulled into the car and had a semi silent car ride. When they pulled up to the school Washington bid them adieu and wished them good luck. They started walking away from the car but Washington called back to Alexander. They both turned around. "C'mere real quick I want to tell you something. Laf you can keep going I just want to say something to Alex" Laf shrugged and went past the gate but not too far so he could wait for Alexander.

Alexander leaned on the open window "What is it?" Alex asked. "I just wanted to tell you that if anything bad happens, I've got your back. There have been some very mean and deceiving people at this school but it's the only high school Yorktown has. Hopefully high school in America is similar to high school in the Caribbean, so hat it will be easier for you to adjust. I hope you have a reat day, I love you." Washington said with a loving expression.

Alexander smiled, "Thanks for that, kind if eases my nervousness. Bye dad, I love you too. Wait. Shit. LOVE YOU GEORGE BYE!" Alex said before quickly turned and cought up with Laf.

"What was that?" Laf said. "Encouragement." Alexander said quickly, "We should go get our schedules and find the other bois". "And Peggy" Laf added. "Yes her too" Alex said.

Back in the car Washington was smiling, very happy. "He...he called me dad.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The first thing Alexander noticed about the school was that it was devided into multiple buildings. There was a a two story main building, the office, a gymnasium, the cafeteria, a performing arts building, an auditorium, the library, a building that seemed to hold the elective classes, and a building for science. In the Caribbean there was just one big building with everything in it.

Alexander and Lafayette made their way to the library where the Juniors and Seniors were given their schedules. They found Angelica and Eliza there and they said Peggy was in the cafeteria picking up her schedule.

They were about to leave the library when a girl approached them. She had long dark wavy hair and was wearing a red sweater and jeans shorts. "Mariah!" Eliza exclaimed as she threw her arms around Mariah. "Hey Eliza! So can I ask you guess something?" She asked. Everyone nodded.

"Well, James broke up with me. Not sure if I fully feel comfortable hanging out with him as a friend just yet. Actually I'm not sure if he even still wants to be friends. Is it okay if I hang out with you guys this year?" Mariah explained.

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