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Veronica's POV
Ever since that night with Betty and the boys at Pops, Betty's been acting weird. But the weirdest part is when she acts totally different around Jughead. I'm starting to get suspicious on what's going on.

That's when I think, did I miss something? Did something happen that I'm not aware of? Of course not! I'm Betty's best friend. She would always tell me everything, right?

Betty's POV
This is impossible. I. Like. Jughead. Why?! I mean it's not a bad thing, but why Jug? Why not Reggie or someone? Actually I take that back.

I have to find some way to not like him anymore! He sure doesn't like me back, so I have to find a way not to ruin our friendship. But how do I do that?

I can't tell Veronica, or she'll just try to get us together. And Archie's too dumb enough to know how to help. Sorry Arch.

I'm on my own on this one. And that's when it hits me. Polly! Wait. I can't talk to Polly, I don't even know where she is. I plop myself down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I put my hands on my face. Ugh! Why does everything have to be so complicated!

That's when I hear crackles on my window. 'What the-' I think walking over to the window. I realize pebbles are being thrown at my window. Grey beanie. Of course. I smile to myself as I open the window.

"Romeo, such a classic way to get a girls attention." I say still smiling.

"Well of course, only the finest for Juliet." He paused for a moment. "May I come up?"

Come up? It's the middle of the night! He must be crazy. Though, it would be nice to talk to someone.

"As long as your not afraid of heights."

"Betts, I was just on a roof a second ago, I think I can handle it." He says climbing up the ladder that goes to my window.

When he makes his way to the window he stops. "Hey there Juliet." That smile if his.

I step out of the way and let him come in. He then sits on my bed. "So, are you going to the town fair on Saturday?" He says looking down, not meeting my eyes.

"I wasn't planing on it. No one to go with." Is he going to ask me to go with him?!

"Well you could go with me. I've never really gone to a fair, but I think it would be fun with friends."

"Of course! We can invite Archie and Veronica too." At the mention of their names his smile fades. Great. Yes let's invite the others. Good plan Betty. 'Stupid!'

"Yeah they can tag along too." His smile comes back and his eyes meet mine. You could just get lost in those chocolate eyes of his.

He stands up from my bed and crawls out the window. He then looks up me again. "Till next time, Juliet." He now starts his way down the ladder.

"Yeah, till next time." I say almost a whisper. I have to stop smiling whenever he's around. He waves again then goes into Archie house.

"And who was that?" A stern voice from behind me says.

I turn around and my mouth drops a little. Crap.

Dun dun Dunn! Who do you think the person is? And Veronica is starting to get suspicious. Sorry for a short chapter! The chapters are going to start getting longer I promise! 👍💕👋

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