Where Are You?

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Betty's POV
I've been up for hours. The tiny screen from my phone only lights up a little bit of the room. The messages from my mom stopped around 2am. She must've fallen asleep from all the anger and being upset.

First her messages were yelling at me. They then changed into begging for me to come home. My dad even called my about three times, then it just went quite. I turn my phone off. It's completely dark now.

I remember when I was a child I used to be so scared of the dark. That all changed when I slept over at Archie's house and he held my hand the whole night. I smile as I remember the memory.

Morning came and Veronica came in to check on me. We both then headed down to eat breakfast. Her mom woke up and Veronica explained the situation with me staying the night. Luckily she is like Veronica and was more than happy to help.

Veronica let me wear some of her clothes since I didn't bring any, and we were off to school. When we got there we split up and when to our lockers. I put the combo in and opened the locker.

"What's with the new wardrobe?" A familiar voice says behind me. I turn around and see Jughead. His arms were crossed and he had a smile planted on his face.

"I stayed at Veronica's last night, so she lended me some of her clothes." I say grabbing my notebooks for first period.

"Is everything okay?" He asked leaning against some locker next to me. Concern creeping in his voice.  I couldn't tell him what happened when he left, so I had to make up something quick.

"Yeah. Veronica and I just had a sleepover that's all." I said lying.

"Right, then why didn't you bring your own clothes?" He said not believing one bit of my lie.

"I accidentally spilled orange juice on it, so she gave me some clothes." My voice was a little shaky at the beginning but it seemed to work.

The bell rung and teenagers were scrambling through the halls to get to they're first period. "Well I guess I'll see you third." He said waving.

I wave back. Veronica then comes up to me, "you ready?"

"Yeah let's go." We then make our way to first.

Time skip~School is about to end~
Cheryl's POV
The bell rings announcing that school is over. Finally. School without Jason is hard. Though I do have fun at times. I see Archie at his locker surround by some of the football team. Perfect.

I walk over to Archie and push some of the boys out of my way so I'm close to Archie. "Hi Archie." I say. Staring at all the other football player so they would leave.

They finally got the hint. "Finally we're alone I say trying to catch Archie's attention. He then looks at me confused. Of course. Archie's so dumb.

"Did you want something, Cheryl?"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go to the town fair with Chuck and I? It would be so much fun if you could make it." I say sealing the deal.

"Oh sorry Cheryl, I'm already going with Veronica, Betty, and Jughead. Maybe next time. You guys have fun though." He slams his locker and leaves me standing there. How dare he let me down!

I then get the best idea. Both Chuck and I don't like two people in Archie's little gang. Maybe we can make their night a little more fun. I smile to myself and walk out of school.

Jughead POV
After school I couldn't find Betty. So I walked with Archie instead. Though, it wasn't as fun with Arch. Betty and I were supposed to investigate more on Jason's murder. Too bad I can't find her, I hope everything's okay.

Ever since I realized I liked Betty, I've made sure to extra careful around her, so I wouldn't look like a complete idiot.

Butterflies start to explore my stomach when I think about tomorrow. The town fair is annual thing and usually helps raise money for the town. Though, this year we need it since the murder of Jason Blossom.

Archie and I make it to his house, or I should say our house. I make my way to his room and open his window. I climb out of the window and sit on the roof. My legs dangling on the edge of the roof. I look to see if Betty is at the window, and someone is there, but it's not Betty. I squint my eyes so I can see better. It's her mom. And she's staring right at me. I wave, but the response she gives me is closing the curtains.

That's weird. 'Where's Betts?' I think standing up and going back inside.

Kind of a weird place to stop but whatever.
Jughead's wondering what happened to Betty and why her mom was staring at him.
Let's see if he's going to find out what happened. 💕✌️

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