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Jughead POV
I was suspicious of Jason the first time I saw him talking to Betty and Veronica. Something didn't seem right with the guy.

Betty never told me what went down with her and Jason. It hurt that she wouldn't tell me, but maybe it was for the best.

The next day I walked to school with Archie and Betty. Betty didn't do much of the talking, but Archie seemed to handle it. As Archie was blabbering about something I glanced at her, she seemed deep in thought as she stared at the ground.

I frowned and nudged her to get her attention. She looked up with glossed eyes. I gave her a sad smile and grabbed her hand. She squeezed my hand, but didn't say anything.

We got to school and Archie and I separated from Betty. "What's going on with Betty?" Archie asks leaning against a locker next to mine.

I open my locker and look at Archie, "something went down with her and that Jason guy. And I intend to find out what." I say determined.

Archie looks over to where Veronica and Betty are standing, "have you just thought of asking her?" He says.

"She won't talk, just changes the subject. All I know is when I get my hands on.." I say, but interrupted by Archie putting a hand on my shoulder.

I look at him and see him pointing at something. I meet where his finger is pointing and see the same raven haired boy from yesterday.

"What are you going to do?" Archie asks as I stare at the stupid smile Jason has planted on his face.

"I'll take care of it later," I look at Betty as she talks to Veronica, "first I have to be there for Betty."

As lunch came around I stayed in line with Archie to get lunch. "So as I was saying, I think I'm going to take Veronica to this new place," Archie started.

I lay my eyes on Jason who left the cafeteria, "and so," Archie said. He looks at me, "you're not even listening are you?" He asks.

I stare at the door and pull Archie out of line making him drop his tray on the counter. "Jug.." Archie started.

"You have my back?" I asked looking him in the eyes.

He looked confused, but soon looked determined, "always." He returns.

"Then follow me." He follows me out of the cafeteria. I explain that I saw Jason walk out of the cafeteria alone. "We strike now." I say looking around the halls.

"The only problem is, is that we don't know where he went." Archie points out.

"Let's look in here." I say walking towards the boys locker room.

We walked into the room. "Let's split up." I say pointing to the other side of the room. Archie nods.

I start to walk towards the back of the room and run into a boy who turned the corner.

"I'm so sorry." The boy said giggling.

"Don't worry.." I started. It was him. Jason. "About it." I ended.

Archie caught up with me and stood by my side. I stood up tall meeting face to face with Jason. "You know I was meaning to talk to you." He says.

I cross my arms, "about what?" I ask sternly.

He looks at Archie and raises his eyebrow, "I believe we haven't met." He says to both of us.
"How rude of me, I'm Jason and you are Jughead. Am I correct?"

I nod. "And this is?" He says taking about Archie.

"Archie." Archie says.

"Nice to meet you." Jason says putting his hand out.

We both stare at him until he clears his throat and takes his hand away. "Get to the crap Jason. You wanted to talk." I say.

"Right." He rubbed his hand through his hair. "You're friends with Betty Cooper, correct?" The mention of Betty makes my heart pang.

"What about her?" Archie says stepping closer to Jason.

He laughs a little, "I wanted to make sure you two were actually a thing." He says staring sharply at me.

"For a while now." I say stingily.

"Why are you asking?" Archie asks.

Jason's jaw tightened as we walked closer to me.

"Just wondering if someone got into her pants yet." Jason whispered in my ear.

I grabbed Jason and slammed him against the lockers, "You basta.." I said about to punch him until Archie held me back.

Jason laughed, "someone's got a temper. Look, don't take offense, but really? You?" He laughed again. "How could someone as hot as Betty," I flinched but Archie put his hand on my chest. "Go for someone like you?" He finished.

"Is that what you were bothering her about yesterday?" I ask.

"Was that why you followed me here? So you could ask me about what we were talking about?" Jason asked.

We stood in silence until the bell rung. Jason walked passed us and opened the door, "you have some competition Juggie," he says mocking the nickname. "I'd watch out."

The door slams after him. "Come on." Archie says walking past me.

After school Archie decided to take Veronica somewhere. Betty and I walked in silence for awhile. A drop of water fell on my nose. I looked up as gray clouds covered the sky.

I grabbed Betty's hand, surprising her. I pulled her under a tree as it started pouring. Luckily the tree protected us some what from the rain.

"I'm sorry for being like this." Betty says as she stares at the ground. I look at her and hold her hand.

"It's okay to not be okay." I say staring up at the tree.

She put her head on my shoulder. I decided to keep my conversation with Jason confidential until it was necessary for Betty to know.

And soon it definitely would be necessary, for some messed up shit would soon come into our lives.

Sorry for a short chapter I wanted to give you guys at least something!
I promise I'll be more active!
I'm having a lot of writers block lately!
Last chapter of 2017 HAPPY NEW YEAR! 🎆

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