Truly In Love

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Betty's POV
Since Jughead is with Archie, he'll come back to Riverdale High. I'm still mad at Jughead for not telling me, but deep down inside Im thankful. I would've gone crazy with knowing, worse than I already did.

I walk out of the door holding my moms crappy homemade lunch. I walk a little further and drop the lunch in the garbage. "Not liking the lunches?" Jughead says walking with Archie to join me.

"I can't stand what she does to the sandwiches." I say.

"Those darn sandwiches ruin everything." Jughead says as Archie and I laugh.

We get to school and split up to go to our lockers. I open my locker and Veronica walks over to me, "hey b, how's Jughead?" She asks.

I put my backpack in my locker, "better, thank god."

Girls start to giggle in the background, "who's that?" Veronica says in awe. I turn around and see what all the commotion is about.

A boy who was about six foot walked into the school with the brightest smile ever. He smiled at some girls who giggled. He looked familiar, but I couldn't my finger on it.

He walked towards us and looked at me. He passed us but didn't break eye contact with me, he winked and walked away.

Veronica watched as he turned the corner and spun around with her mouth open. "Wow. It's too bad we're already taken." She said looking back.

I hit her lightly on the arm making her turn around, "What? Just because I'm dating Archie doesn't mean I can't look."

Lunch time came and I walked to our usual table. I joined Veronica and sat down.

"Where are the boys?" Veronica asked.

I take some of her chips and ate them, "arranging Jughead's schedule." I say chewing.

She nods and eats her chips. Her eye catches something, "it's the hottie from earlier."

I turn around and see the same boy from this morning, talking to some girls. I stare at him for a while trying to think of where I've seen him before.

Veronica taps my wrist and I snap out my trans. "Everything okay B?

"Yeah, yeah sorry I was just thinking of something."

Her eyebrow raises. I break, I lean in close to Veronica so no one can hear. "I've seen him from somewhere, but I don't know where."

Looking confused she crumpled up her chip bag.

"Maybe you could ask him." She says.

"No you don't understand I don't think I want to know."

"Well you better say something since he's coming straight to our table."

"Wha.." I start before being interrupted by the boy sitting next to me.

"Hey mind if I sit?" He says.

"You've already sat down." I inform him.

He laughs, "I guess you're right."

He had a scar under his hazel eyes, small but noticeable. I've seen that scar before. "I can show you where the principal's office is with something in return."

My eyes widen as I realize who the boy is. The same boy at Jughead's high school who grabbed me.

I stared at him, something seemed different. His smile. His laugh. His eyes. They were so, different. They were friendly and not, 'creepy.'

"I'm Jason. And you are?" He asks meeting my eyes. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Did he not remember me?

"This is Betty," Veronica says gesturing towards me, "and I'm Veronica."

"Nice to meet you two, mind showing me around school sometime?" He asks.

"I.." I say, but get tongued tied.

"We'd love to." Veronica says smiling.

"I'll catch you guys later." He says winking at me and walking away.

"Who was that guy?" Archie says walking up towards our table with Jughead.

"His name is Jason, but you don't have to worry about anything Archie kins." Veronica says.

Jughead sits by me and puts my arm around me, "You okay Betty?" He asks concerned.

I nod, "Yeah." I put my head on his shoulder as he holds me with one arm.

After school I wait for Jughead as he talks to one of his teachers. Outside of the classroom I scroll through my phone.

"Hey, Betty right?" Jason says walking up to me.

I turn my phone off, "Yeah."

"Why are you still here?" He asks.

"I'm waiting for someone." I say.

He nods.

After some awkward silence I break. "Do you remember me?" I ask.

His dark brown hair shades over his eyes and he laughs quietly, "of course I do." He looks up.

His hazel eyes twinkle in the sunlight shining through the windows.

"You were looking for the principal's office that day right?" He asks.

I nod. He steps a little closer making me step back and bump into the wall.

"I just couldn't take my eyes off of you. Your green eyes and that blonde hair. But of course your stuck with that serpent." He says spitting out the last part.

"I'm not stuck with him," I say, "I'm in love with him."

He laughs, "I'm sure. How long have you been together? Months, years?"

"Two months." I say.

"You can't be in love with someone you've only been with for two months." He says arguing.

"The first time I saw him I was in love with him, but I was to busy kidding myself with Archie."

"All I'm saying is, is that I'd," He says putting his hand on my hip, "be a way better boyfriend."

A loud slap stings my hand as I slap Jason. He let's go of my hip. "What the hell?" He says touching his face.

Jughead walks out of the class room and looks at Jason. He must have noticed my hand print on Jason's face, "what happened here?" He asked sternly.

Jason glared at Jughead then walked away. I turned to Jughead and he walked over to me, "what happened?" He asked.

I shook my head unable to speak and just buried my head in his shoulder. He hugged me tightly rubbing his hand against my back.

I truly am in love with him.

Sorry this was a short chapter and that I haven't updated in a long time!
What do you think of Riverdale so far?
Any theories?

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