All I Can Do Is Think Of Her

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Jughead's POV
"I need to talk to each of you, individually." Sheriff Keller says seriously.

'I don't have time for this. I have to get to her. I need to be with her again'

"Ok." Archie says breathless.

"Jughead you're first. The both of you go give Mrs. Cooper some reassurance, she needs it desperately." Sheriff Keller says.

Veronica and Archie walk out of the room and close the door behind them. Sheriff Keller gestures for me to sit down. We both sit across from each other.

"I'm sure this is hard for you, all of you. I only have some questions for you and I want you to answer them honestly." I nod agreeing with him.

"Has Betty been acting strange before this event happened?" He asks.

"She has been distant for a while." I say quietly.

"Did she start hanging out with different groups instead of the three of you?"

"She started hanging out with Jason Willams." He writes some notes on a pad of paper.

"Have you heard from her at all?"

My heart pangs. I flashback to when Betty said my name over the phone. I feel dizzy.

I shake my guilty head. Sheriff Keller frowns, "last question, do you think she ran away?"

I look up and meet his bright green eyes. I clench my teeth and shake my head.

He gets up and leads me to the door, "thank you for your cooperation, I'll do the best I can to find her." He says nodding to Veronica to come in the room.

I head into Betty's room. I roam around the room and spot some pictures. I go over and see us together.

'God I miss her. I'm going to find you as soon as possible'

Determined to find her, I spin around and head towards the door. Archie walks in and closes the door.

"We need to find her." He says.

"That's what I'm doing." I say trying to get passed him. He stops me, "how are you going to do that?" He asks.

"I don't know! But I need...I need to..." I say trying not to break into tears. Archie puts his hand on my shoulder, "we are going to find her. But we need to work with Jason until we find out where they're hiding."

"How the hell am I supposed to find the snake charmer?" I ask. Archie shrugs. Veronica comes out of the room, but before Sheriff Keller can investigate Archie, we all sneak out of the house.

The sky started to get lighter as it soon turned 4 o'clock in the morning. The three of us headed to the South Side and asked some people where we could find this "snake charmer."

We headed to an old tattoo shop down the street. We walked in meeting walls covered with some amazing art. A man was tattooing a boy. "Where's the snake charmer?" I ask.

The man gestures to the back door. The three of us walk into the office and close the door behind us.

"Snake charmer?" Veronica asks.

"That's me. What can I help you with?" She says in her chair.

"We need you to get someone out of jail." I say.

Interested she leans on her desk waiting for me to continue.

"We need you to get FP Jones out of jail." She laughs a little.

"Honey he's already out of jail." She says amused.

'Already out?"

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"Jason called me and ordered me to get FP out, so I did. He also said that the three of you would do something in return."

I nod slowly trying to process everything.

"I'll let you all know when I need something." We start to head out the door until Archie asks something.

"Do you know where Jason might be? Where he lives or.." Archie asks.

"Oh sure he moved to Riverdale. Poor kid never knew his family. All alone like that, I couldn't imagine." She says her voice fading.

"Do you have an address?" I ask.

"I do, but for something in return." I look at Archie and gaze in his eyes. We make a decision.

"Ok" we say in unison.

She gives us the address. "Do you think this is where Betty is?" Veronica says hopeful.

"I hope so." Archie says.

We show up to a old house that was a little torn down. "What are we going to do?" Archie asks.

"We are going to sneak in. Maybe Betty's in there." I say.

We walk around the back and let Veronica stay outside to watch for anyone coming towards the house.

Archie and I pick open the back door. We walk in quietly and close the door. Archie walks towards the garage to see if there were any cars in it.

"Nothing." Archie says relived.

We start to search rooms knowing that no one was home. We meet back in the living room.

"No sight of Betty." Archie says.

"Well there's one more place." I suggest.

We slowly walk down the basement stairs. Creaking came from the stairs as we walked down them. It was dark and it was hard to see.

We got to the end of the stairs and felt around for a light switch. A light turned on in the middle of the room. Two doors were lit up by the light. Archie and I glanced at each other and then back at the doors.

We walk to one of them and open the doors. I walk into the pitch black room. A familiar smell filled the air. I feel around for a light switch. After tripping a couple of times I manage to find the switch.

A light similar to the one in the other room lights up half of the room. The smell gets stronger when I walk towards the light. My eyes widen. As they had set on the one thing that completes me. She was there.

I run to Betty who was tied up to a chair. She looked unconscious. I caressed her face putting some hair behind her ear. She winced. I noticed some dry blood that covered some of her forehead.

'That bastard'

"Hey Betts can you hear me?" I ask quietly.

She opened her eyes a little so she was squinting, "Jughead?" She asks stiffly.

"Yeah it's me." I say smiling. She passed out, but had tears falling down.

"Archie." I yell. He runs into the room and gasps as he sees Betty. "I need something to cut these ropes off." I say.

He runs out of the room and minutes later comes in with a knife.

I didn't question him on where he got the knife. I didn't care. She was here and that's all I could do was think of her.

I cut the rope off and Archie helped me lift Betty up. We brought her outside just in time.

"Oh my god." Veronica says running to Betty's side. "We have to go it looks like someone's coming." Archie says talking about a black car pulling into the street.

We hide behind a wooden fence and peek through the holes. We were lucky we hid, because Jason parked in front of the house and walked in.

Betty was passed out on me. I held her tight. Not wanting to let her go ever again.

I want a store that sells Jughead's 😅
Anyone else agree?

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