A Forgotten Romance

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When my hope was lost in the middle of September
I found a forgotten romance to help me remember.

If life was a the universe, I'd be a wide eyed infant.
I think I see everything and leap out into it in an instant.
That's not intuitive, no, it definitely isn't.
I guess I'm more of a feeler than a thinker.
I guess that I thought I knew where I was going.
I didn't.

But where else am I going to be going?
If life was a river, I'd probably not know where it was flowing.
I'm so bad with directions, it's a blessing I wasn't given any.
I suppose I'm going to keep traveling until I die.
In my pocket I have 3 dimes and a penny.
Since nothing costs 31 cents, I think I'll hold them in front of my eye.
They're smooth and shiny, I think they're pretty.

It looks like money won't get me to the stars,
And without money I have no car.
I guess I'll have to jump, but can I make it?
I'll never know if I don't try.
Those stars are so bright, so beautiful,
but so high.
Maybe I just need a running start
Or a good trampoline.
They don't look too far
Not too far from me.

I lift my leg and pound it on the ground
I let my weight fall forward, the ground passing
I'm going so fast, I hear a little sound
I look down and see I've stepped on a spring
It's getting smaller and smaller
I look up but the stars aren't getting much closer.
This journey is going to be longer than I thought.
I don't know if I've jumped high enough.

Those stars are out of reach, definitely
I didn't jump high enough.
Maybe I'll try again in a week or so.
That's okay.
I just hope I don't break any bones
when I land back on the ground.
But now I've landed, no, this is too soon!
I'm not on earth, I've landed on the moon.

This was unplanned, this is unexpected,
It's a part of my future I seem to have neglected,
My failure just barely overextended--
But is that really a failure?
I think I'll have a look around
Before I fall back to the ground
The moon was supposed to be bright, bathed in light
Why can't I see anything here
Why can I only smell my own fear?
It's irrational to be afraid, no one can be alive here.
Including me.

Wait wait wait
I've realized my mistake
My breath is running out
I need air to intake
I need to return quicker than I've come
Gravity hear my plea
Here I go.....................o......................o
Oh no

A crash landing in the middle of a forest.
This isn't the same ground I left from.
Whatever I can find is what I'll have to move forward with.
I have air, but I smell food and I need some.

I follow my nose instead of my heart this time.
A delicious piece of meat over a crackling fire.
A man sitting, slowly turning over the flame sublime.
How different the taste was when the flame was from metal and wire!

The man is dead, but he's only a ghost and there's no need to fear.
Or maybe a figment of my imagination, I can't tell.
Whatever the case, I hear his voice in my ear.
I don't know what he's saying, I can't hear him well.

"Wait, tell me it again and I'll listen closer this time!"
Death takes a breath as he begins to live again in me.
"I want to know what it is you believe you're trying to find."
I respond without a second thought: "love, I believe."

Another breath from death, but this one is a sigh.
"It's been forever, an eternity and a half,
Since I thought about how love was in my life."
I fall asleep then, letting the life of the fire pass.

I dream of the ghost man, but this time he's young,
A little older than I am maybe.
He's holding a bouquet of flowers in the bright sun,
I'll bet they're for a beautiful girl he's dating.

But when I see his face, it's full of pain.
And I see that he's in a cemetery.
Flowers are used to express love in life and death.
That must mean that they represent forever.
How tragic it is that they die so quickly.
I've decided that humans are like flowers except less beautiful.

It must have taken him a very long time to not think about this.
Probably an eternity and a half, if not more.
I've helped him remember his romance,
A beautifully tragic one which he has forgotten.

When I wake up in the morning, there is no fire.
There's no meat in my stomach either.
My heart is filled with sudden ire
I suddenly can't wait to find her...
But maybe I have.

I forgot... There was one unanswered question
It was a while ago and about myself
I'm not quite ready to make a confession.
I'm not sure if this is how I should have felt.

That will develop with time indeed.
Now I just have one more thing to do
That's to run and run with plenty of speed
And take another shot past the moon.

But I don't. I wait. I sit and I think.
This forest is a very nice place.
It's better here than it would be in the stars, I think.
Autumn is just beginning and I want to stay.

After a few more weeks, I love it here even more.
I think I'd like to stay here forever.
Who cares about the rest of the world, no one's been here before.
This is the perfect place to live, to be together.

Oh wait, I forgot about that detail.
I've forgotten romance.
To come along eventually, I hope it will not fail.
For now, I need to focus on my own dance.

When my hope was lost in the middle of September,
I found a forgotten romance to help me remember.

It's October now, and I'm going to remember not to forget that sentence.

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