Tomorrow's Rain

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When I was young, the future seemed so promising and free.
It seemed to cast a golden light of opportunity.
I used to look ahead and smile involuntarily.
I used to think the skies were living, smiling down at me.
At night the stars would glisten, beckoning for me to see.
It all seemed so surreal, so divine and so serene;
Now I know it's just a lie and now it's come too clear to me:
The future's not as golden as it used to seem to be.

While squirrels dance in willows and the fish don't swim too fast,
Some are still enchanted by the promise of the past;
Some will turn and knock their heads, some will be surpassed,
Some won't try to run at all, even if they're last.
While crows and geese fly in a flock to travel distance vast,
Some will form a raucous crowd and try to be amassed.
But I will turn and sail away, following a ghast,
I will sail into the storm, clinging to the mast.

I've got a vague idea that I've got somewhere to be:
Somewhere from the past and somewhere pleasant just to see.
I see the storm as an illusion, just a mirage in front of me,
But so might be the sunshine, so might be the rollicking sea.
I could just be imagining, I could be dreaming in a tree,
And there's a chance I'm there already, there's a chance I'll have to flee.
But I like to think I'm just a cloud, floating indifferently.
Some day I'll rain and pour like pain but for now I'll still fly free.

It doesn't change that all my plans are so far from the norm,
But I'm glad to be tomorrow's rain. I like thunderstorms.

Today feels so uneasy, it smells like weapons are being wrought.
The days are dragging on like deserts, long and dry and hot.
It's all these days I perish, it's all these days I've fought,
That keep me moving somewhere while I seem to be forgot,
Even when we're fading farther from the life we've always sought.
But if things will never get better, if tomorrow will hurt a lot,
If the future's not as golden as I previously thought,
I guess we'll have to take today; it looks like it's all we got.

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