Goodbye, Friend

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It looks like the time where our paths overlap
Has ticked and tocked away
The world was kind to give us a chance
But it's turned just as cruel now

It feels as though we have wasted
So much time on each other
For just a while
We painted smiles
Walked together through frolicking gardens
Colorful gardens
Flowers blooming that we admired but did not pick

And I have been in love
I knew I was falling
But I was still so uncharacteristically helpless
It didn't take much
I was already balanced on a string
And making music with it
Dangerously, vibrating with every motif
Barely trying to cling on

How I have been wondering so much
Revisiting my darkest thoughts
I used to solve like chords in songs
Now can't remember how they go
But you made it irrelevant really
You ended up being my solution
The melody that hoped for optimism

Even if the skies have been bright and stormy
They look quite cold and clear to me
The way the world works is a balance, I know
So is it that I really am warmer than I thought?

That you have managed to touch me in such a short time
It's really quite beautiful actually
Like that lake
Whose sublimity was a child of our jests
Casual stares that mean so much more
Now that I'm going to miss them so badly

We've had so much joy in meeting
It's only fitting we should have equal pain in parting
When we'll have nothing but memories left over
Nothing but a few fragments of our past realities
That no longer pertain to the present

That's how we shall know
That it indeed wasn't just a dream
That if the melancholy is so strong when we leave
We must have truly had an unordinary bond

And though our bond may not last forever
That won't change the fact that we had it at some point
That at some point our paths overlapped
And there was harmony
Not majestic
Quite simple
And that's the best kind for people like us

Goodbye friend.
I will surely spend many long nights wondering about you
Reminiscing over that glorious time...

Maybe some day our paths will cross again
I hope they do
And until then
I sincerely promise I'll never forget you.

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