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- are words with the opposite meanings

above - below
after - before
agitated  -  calm
answer - question
awake  -  sleep
back - front
bad  -  good
beautiful  - ugly
black - white
boy - girl
build - destroy
cheap  -  expensive
clean - dirty
close - open
cold - hot
comical  -  serious
complicated  -  simple
correct - wrong
crooked - straight
dark - light
day - night
defective  -  perfect
demand  -  request
depressed  -  joyful
determined  -  unsure
down - up
dry - wet
empty - full
enemy - friend
false - true
far - near
fast - slow
fat - thin
first - last
full - hungry
funny  -  serious
happy - sad/lonely
hard - soft
hate - love
in - out
kind  -  merciless
incompetent  -  skilled
large - small
less - more
long - short
narrow - wide
noisy - quiet
old - young
over - under
poor - wealthy
poverty  -  wealth
pretty - ugly
quick - slow
rapid  -  slow
small - tall
strong - weak
thick - thin


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