Back to School (Edited)

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The picture above is of Peyton and Hannah

"Real Parent (N):
any parent who is not imaginary."


Summer was almost over. In my new foster family, I could tell back to school would be interesting. The Bradley's take back to school seriously. We must have spent a total of ten hours at the mall that last week of summer, buying everything from socks to binders.

Not that I'm complaining, I've never gotten this many new things for back to school in my whole life. I had new clothes, and a new backpack and enough pencils and pens to last the rest of my life.

On the morning of the first day of school Alanna wakes everyone up extra early, and once everyone is ready, she makes us eat a sit-down breakfast as a family, before we all rush off to catch the bus.

This family is seriously big on spending time together. The past month has been an endless stream of family dinners, movie nights and family fun days. It's hard to keep myself from liking it here. But I try my best.

About 10 minutes before we needed to get out the door, everyone adds last minute touches to their hair and outfits. As we walk out the door Alanna hands everyone a lunch box.

Cason and I are the only two in high school, so our bus is first. I stand next to him at the bus stop, as butterflies swarm in my stomach. Cason sends me a reassuring glance, which I pretend to ignore, but it actually makes me feel better.

I walk into my first period class and look around, then head to a seat in the far back corner. As a foster child I'm used to switching schools all the time. I know the drill. This being my first day of high school at least everyone else in my grade is new too.

The morning classes go by in a blur of rules and course overviews. When the bell rings for lunch I brace myself for the inevitable; the uncomfortable feeling of walking into a room full of people you don't know. Your standing, searching, with little hope for a friendly face. Then sitting by yourself in a corner, wishing you could disappear. Trust me, I've been the new kid enough times to know.

Today, however, when I walk into the cafeteria, I see someone I know. Cason is sitting with a small group of people. When he spots me, he lifts a hand and waves me over.

Nervously, I walk slowly toward his table. When I reach them, he points to an empty seat across from him. I sit down and he introduces me to his friends.

They all smile and wave but then go back to their own conversations. I don't mind, I'm just happy not sitting by myself. I pull out my brand-new lunch box and open it.

A bright pink post-it-note falls out and I reach out and catch it.

Hope you are having a
wonderful first day of high
school! I can't wait to hear
all about it.

I can't help but smile. This family is something else. It's like they live in a different universe than everyone else. A universe where kids like me find families and notes still get put teenager's lunch boxes.

Cason spots the note in my hand, he leans over and whispers, "Mom loves putting notes in our lunches." He laughs a little and flashes a green sticky note at me.

I smile at him. I wonder how someone who grew up in the system can accept this strange world. He doesn't even seem fazed by it.

When lunch is over, I head off to my afternoon classes where we go over about a thousand more rules.

When the final bell rings I walk to my locker and toss a few binders inside before slamming the door closed and heading for the stairs.

I spot Cason standing next to a bus on the sidewalk outside school. "Dad got held up at work so we have to take the bus home."

I nod, taking the bus is no big deal.

Turns out it is, the bus is even more packed than it was this morning and its load. By the time we reach our stop my ears are ringing from the noise. When we step outside, I take a deep breath of the clean air.

Even though it was the first day of school we still have homework, although most of it is for the parents/guardians. With 6 kids needing signatures and medical information, Alanna and Bridger spent about an hour filling out forms.

By the end of all that, everyone was grumpy and hungry, so Alanna starts dinner.

By the time everyone has eaten and showered it's getting pretty late. Everyone is sent to their rooms with warnings to have lights out by 10:00 at the absolute latest.

At around 9:30 I hear I knock on the door, "Come in," I call.

Alanna steps into my room and comes to sit on my bed, "So, how was the first day at a new school?"

"It was good, thanks."

She nods, "Okay, try to get some rest, Zoe."

I nod. Alanna slips out the door leaving the light on. Standing, I walk over and flip it off.

When I'm back in bed, I remind myself that I don't get to stay here, before I allow myself to drift off to sleep.

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