Everyday (Edited)

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"Love is in the house,
And the house is packed."


I roll over with a sigh, then I smile. It is the weekend, two whole days to sleep late and relax.

Or maybe not, someone is knocking on the door. "Come in," I call.

Chloe steps into the room, "Morning, sleepyhead. Mom says you have to come eat breakfast before it gets cold."

I swing my legs over the side of the bed, and follow Chloe down the stairs. Alanna has made pancakes, and they smell really good. I sit down and pour syrup over a couple before digging in.

Chatter surrounds me.

"I told you I could get Mom to make us pancakes," Tyler gloats.

Chloe rolls her eyes, "You are the master of the puppy dog eyes."

Tyler pouts and widens his eyes a her and she bursts out laughing.

I sink lower into my seat and wish I could disappear.

"That's mine!" Hannah shrieks grabbing a spoon out of Peyton's hand and sending her into a fit of tears.

"Can I come with you to the park, Cason?" Tyler begs.

"I'm meeting my friends, Ty."

"Please, I promise not to bother you."

"Maybe, I'll think about it."

"Chloe how's your science project coming, Chlo?" Allana asks.

"I told you not to take Honors Science." Cason teases.

"Shut up." Chloe responds, whacking him on the shoulder.

Cason shakes his head in mock disgust, "Such violence."

It's loud. It's chaos. And I wish for a second that it would never end.

By the end of breakfast everyone, including me, is covered in syrup. With a sigh, I head upstairs to clean up and then make my escape back to my warm soft bed and peace and quiet, safety. I've barely opened my latest book when two loudly giggling girls invade my sanctuary.

"Zoe, it's morning, why are you sleeping," whines Hannah.

"Zo, play with us," pleads Peyton.

I waver for a second before strengthening my resolve, "Guys, I'm reading right now." For some reason the twins are undeterred by my lack of excitement and standoffishness. Actually no one in this family seems deterred, and it's really getting on my nerves.

Looking dejected, they head out the door. Probably to find someone else to recruit for their game.

I've managed to spent almost the entire day in my room, reading or watching tv. It's 2:00 when Cason and Chloe arrive to drag me outside, and I go with only minimal kicking and screaming.

"Boat ride! Boat ride! Boat ride!" The twins are chanting. While Tyler cannonballs into the pool, splashing water onto my clothes. I can't believe he's actually going in the water, it's mid-October in New England.

I sulk off to the side in my now damp clothes even as Cason chases the twins across the yard and upon capture, tosses one over each of his shoulders. I stare as he runs in circles, while they shriek and laugh, pounding on his back.

I flinch a little when Chloe grabs my hand and pulls me towards the kayaks resting by the lake shore and pushes a life vest and paddle at me.

"It's too cold," I protest feebly.

"Tyler went in the pool. We're not actually getting in the water."

I look over my shoulder, Tyler is being wrapped in a towel by Allana, his teeth chattering, "Tyler's crazy." I point out.

Chloe shrugs and climbs into her kayak.

"Just do it, Zoe, or I'll have to throw you in the lake myself." Cason yells, still with a small girl dangling from his shoulder.

Resignedly I follow Chloe, as she paddles wildly, splashing and enjoying herself. I float quietly, watching their fun but not really joining in.

They are trying so hard to make me fit in, but I don't. I will never belong here.

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