A Bradley at Last (In Editing)

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"I was chosen, I was wanted, I was cherished.
I grew in their hearts, I was a missing piece, I was loved, I was adopted."


Two weeks later we're back in court, but this time I sit on the same side as my family instead of the opposite.

It takes two hours for them to call our case. We take our seats in front of the Judges stand. "Please rise. Honorable, Judge Williams presiding." I smile when I see it's not Judge Jones. He still terrifies me.

The judge takes his seat and flips though a folder. "Would Zoe Whitman please stand?" Butterflies flutter as I follow this order. The judge smiles at me, and I smile back nervously. "And the prospective parents?" Bridger and Alanna stand up proudly. The judge nods at them. "Please state your names and relationship to Miss Whitman."

Alanna speaks first, "Alanna Bradley. I'm Zoe's foster mother."

"Bridger Bradley, Zoe's foster father." Bridger says.

The judge nods again, although I can't tell if he's pleased or not. "And the biological parents have given the proper convent?"

"Yes, your honor." Alanna replies.

Judge Williams turns towards me, "Zoe, you want to be a part of the Bradley's family."

"Ye-es, your honor," I stammer, "Very much."

"I see," he says calmly, "Would the two parties please step forward." When we do he hands us a paper. "Then I see no reason not to make it official. Please sign at the bottom of the page." He hands me a pen, and I sign, though it's hardly recognizable my hand is shaking so. Bridger and Alanna sign below me. We hand the paper back to the Judge. And I catch him letting a smile slip. "Congratulations, Miss Wh- Bradley, you are officially a member of the Bradley family."

I can't help myself I start to cry. Quickly turn my head a barring it in Mom's shoulder. She wraps her arms around me. And I can tell she's crying too. Someone slams into my back, and I turn my head a little to see Cason, with Chloe behind him. But I don't pull away from Mom just yet. I'll have time to hug everyone. Time to get used to calling them my brothers and sisters.

But right now I'm enjoying the feeling of a mother's arms around me, something I've missed for the past nine years.

We walk into the restaurant talking loudly. I nudge Chloe who's standing next to me, and point to the panics looking hostess standing behind a counter. She just shrugs, "They always look like that." I laugh.

"How many?" Stammers the girl.

"Eight," replies Mom.

"And the name?" She still seems kind of flustered.

"Bradley," Mom says confidently, "All of us."

The poor hostess is even more confused now, but I no longer care.

"It'll be about twenty minutes." She says, "We'll have to put two tables together."

"That's Fine." Says Dad.

We look around for a few empty sweats in the lobby. Finding four together, we squeeze onto the bench. Peyton and Hannah climb onto my lap. They're both a little big and between the two of them I can hardly breath but I don't mind. I wrap my arms around them tightly.

"Bradley!" Our name is called out from the front of the restaurant. My name. Finally.

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