Comfortable (In Editing)

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"If a child lives with fear,
they learn to be apprehensive."


School was winding down for the year, and while everyone around rushes through the last couple weeks before school lets out, I worry.

Not that I have reason to. The Bradley's are warm and kind as ever, but sometimes I get this feeling that something's changed. When so many people have promised you security, then turned around and spit in your face, you learn to think the worst. Always.

I try to push these dismal thoughts from my mind and enjoy the last few days of school. Because, really, I can't wait for summer.

On the Saturday before the last week of school my plan is to hang out in my room and binge watch TV. But just as I've settled on my bed with my laptop on my lap and a blanket around my feet, someone knocks on my door.

Shutting the computer, I call, "Come in!" Chloe and Hannah come inside and sit down on the edge of my bed, making me move over.

"What are you doing?" Asks Hannah in her cute, squeaky, little kid voice.

"Well, I was watching TV."

Chloe laughs, "Nope, it officially Summer. Come outside with us.

I groan, playfully. But I think they know I don't mean it. Pulling off the blanket and swinging my feet onto the ground, I say, "Fine."

We walk down the stairs and I see almost everyone's outside. Except for Cason. "Hey," I whine, "How come Cason doesn't have to go outside?"

Chloe wiggles her eyebrows at me, "He has a study group." Except she put air quotes around group.

I glance over at Hannah who is hanging on our every word and start to laugh. I'm not even sure I know why. All I can think is I love this family. Every single one of them.

So what I'm I going to do if they send me away?

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