...to... (In Editing)

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"Our family is like a big, beautiful patchwork quilt.
Each of us is different yet stitched together by love."


On the second day in Court, Zoe comes in and take her seat. She looks so sad sitting in the middle of the court room all by herself. With every words the Judge says she seems to get more and more miserable. I'm starting to hate him for it.

"So am I safe to conclude that the Bradley's are seek full custody over Miss Whitman. That is, you wish to adopt her." He's talking to my parents again.

"Yes, sir," says Mom.

"Alright, today, Zoe's social worker and her foster siblings will have a chance to speak. Miss Whitman however will speak tomorrow, before I make my decision."

Butterflies flutter in my stomach, the last time I had had to speak in court had been at Cason and my adoption. I reach over and squeeze Tyler's hand, I know how much he hates speaking in public.

"If Mrs. Anderson, Miss Whitman's social worker wouldn't mind addressing the court."

"Yes, your honor." Mrs. Anderson's familiar voice comforts me. She stands and walks to the front of the room.

"How long have you been involved in this case?"

"Since she came under the states protection, eight years ago."

"Thank you. Do you know either the Bradley's or Mr. Whitman well?"

"I've never met Mr. Whitman before, he hasn't been in contact with DCF for many years. I have, however known the Bradley's for many years. They are one of our most loyal foster families. And have been involved with DCF almost as long as I've been working there. They truly love all the children who send time in there home and have adopted three from the system."

Good, I think, Judge Alex can't possibly find a problem with that. I'm starting to doubt that I was imagining it when I thought he questioned Mom and Dad more than Mr. Whitman.

"Thank you, Mrs. Anderson," he says politely, but rather impassively. He then glances down at his notes again, "Chloe Bradley?" He calls out.

I gulp, I didn't think he would call me first. I stand on wobbly legs and walk to wards the Judges bench. When I pass by Zoe's seat she reaches out a hand to squeeze mine. I smile at her, then pull away and keep walking.

"Now it says here, that you were adopted. Is that true?"

"Yes, when I was seven, both me and my brother, Cason, were adopted." I take another deep breath.

"How old are you now?"

"Almost fourteen."

"Did you like having Zoe living with you?"

That one's easy, "Of course. I had always wanted an older sister."

I think I almost catch the Judge smile at this, "And you are glad you were adopted by the Bradley's?"

Another easy question, this wasn't that bad, "It's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm one of the lucky ones. Not everyone ends up in such a loving family."

"Do you feel you get enough attention at home?"

"Yes. My parents always make time to spend with all of us. We spend a lot of time as a family, too."

"That will be all, Chloe."

I let out a sigh of relief and hurry back to my seat. Mom grabs my hand on the way past her, and whispers, "You did great."

I smile. I really hope she's right. Zoe coming home might depend on it.

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