The Question (In Editing)

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"Born not from our flesh, but born in our hearts.
You were longed for and wanted and loved from the start."


A week before the ninth grade graduation ceremony, I give in and sit the kids down on the couch, while Zoe's still at her friend's doing homework.

I take a deep breath before I begin, "I had a whole speech ready, but we've been here before, right?" Everyone laughs.

Cason says, "Last time Tyler wasn't here. Just me and Chloe, unless you count the twins but they were like, one."

"So you probably know what I want to ask you then?" Smiling to myself at how incredible my kids are. "I'll say it anyway. Your dad and I have been talking about this for a while. We've really loved having Zoe here these past nine months. And you all did too, right?" They all nod, "We want to ask her if she would like to become a Bradley legally. But we wanted to make sure that all of you are ok with it first?"

I look at all of them, this is almost like a tradition, asking them this same question.

Cason says, "You've given so much to all of us," he gestures at his brother and sister, "How could we ever stand in the way of someone else having this."

"Yeah," Chloe chimes in, "I love Zoe like a sister, making it legal is just a formality."

I look at the youngest three, "How about you guys." They nod. I smile wide, "Dad and I were thinking we'd talk to her the day of graduation. So keep this quiet for the week, ok?" They nod again, "You guys are so understanding. I love you."

"Love you, too," they all murmur back.

I kiss the twins foreheads, "All right upstairs, it's getting late."

As everyone scurries off to their rooms, and I'm leading the twins upstairs for a bath, I'm thinking that life couldn't get more perfect.

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