Tuesday, October 3rd, 6:49pm

26 4 0

Alright, time to talk about Natalie. I hated her so much, and I'm a very loving person. In fact, I'm one of the most laid back people you will meet, but Natalie flat out made my blood boil. So, this girl was only 12 years old. I try not to be too hard on her because I know some messed up things had to have happened to her, but I still can't bring myself to stop hating.

Natalie sexually assaulted two of the girls while I was at inpatient alone. She was a sexual predator. Anytime a new girl came in, we had to warn her to stay away from Natalie for her safety. Natalie always tried to force her way into out social groups, but if we let her in she was rude and obnoxious. At lunch, we even made a set up so that she couldn't sit with us. It was a mess.

Natalie was probably one of the meanest people I've ever met, also. Everything she said was badmouthing someone. I was so kind to her despite disliking her, but she still treated me like crap and everyone took personal offense to that. I was the "smol bean" of everyone, basically. I have never been in a physical fight, but I almost did get in a fight with Natalie.

My medicine they'd switched me to at he time made me really pumped up. I had a ton of energy, so when I got upset, I turned livid. Well, one day when I came back from visitation I noticed my drawings had been scribbled over, and Natalie's name was on it. Literally. Some girls even witnessed it happening. Now, the issue is we aren't allowed to have erasers, so my drawings weren't salvageable.

This is the point my blood began to boil. I asked where she was, and it turned out shed discharged. What a coward. I had to go back to my room and beat my pillow. I then proceeded to write an angry letter, tear it up, then flush it down the toilet. That's a coping skill they taught us for when we are angry. It definitely helps get things off your chest, so I'd recommend it to anyone.

Now to today.

Today was pretty good. I had senior release in the morning though, and have no way of getting to school later, so I had to come even during my off period. At lunch, I saw two old friends, one of which I hung out with today. I'll get to that later. Japanese was in the afternoon, and everyone was testing, so I just worked on a packet and took notes. Apparently they're switching me to morning Japanese and afternoon senior release, so that will be awesome. Then I can leave early.

Throughout the day, I also wrote. If you look on my page, you'll see one completed short story, and one I just started. It should be finished tomorrow. It's short as well. It would be awesome if you guys read and enjoyed them. So far I've gotten positive feedback on My Best Friend Lives in the Walls.

Anyways. I got in trouble today at school and it wasn't my fault. It left me sort of depressed. Apparently the first afternoon bell is for bus riders. I didn't know that, so I walked out and noticed it was raining. I then proceeded to text my friend Mackenzie, and she agreed to pick me up instead of walking. The principal saw me and asked if I was a bus rider. When I said no, she asked for my ID and proceeded to take a picture. She told me I knew better than to leave when the bus riders did, and I almost broke down crying on the spot. I tried to explain I haven't been there all year, and the rules were different last year. I don't think she believed me and it's crushing. I just saw my entire class leaving, so I left too. I didn't know it was wrong.

Anyways Mackenzie picked me up, then we went and got snow cones at Bahama bucks. I got piña colada, and she got strawberry cheesecake. During that time period we hung out a bit, then I was invited over to her house to hang out. We watched Tom and Jerry, then ordered pizza to eat for dinner. Once we got done eating, I got taken back home. All in all it was a good night.

Mackenzie is asexual, just like me. If you don't know what that means, just ask. She invited me to go to homecoming with her as her date because of that. Single Pringles for life. Her mom even plans to make me a mum. Prom is still far away, but Mackenzie wants me to be her date then as well.

It was nice spending time with someone and having them so eager to spend time with me, especially after how lonely I've been lately. Anyways that's all guys. Have a great night.

Question of the day: What is your favorite flavor of snow cone? :3 Honestly I like sour stuff, like green apple, but piña colada was good too.

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