Wednesday, October 11th, 2:15pm

22 2 0

Today has been a mess. This morning, I had the ASVAB which is honestly a total waste of time and a total joke. People were stressing me out then, and I almost had a panic attack. I did cry a bit during lunch because I was feeling so overwhelmed. I'm just generally depressed. Even my German teacher pointed it out and asked how I'm doing. Everyone pays more attention to me now that I've been to a hospital. It's sad to see that's what it takes to get noticed around these places.

I want to go home but I don't want to walk. I'll probably just hand around school until my mom has a chance to pick me up. I could ride the bus but people are the reason I'm depressed. They're too overwhelming and I don't think I can deal with them. I'm exhausted and just feel generally awful.

Oh. My mom just texted. Apparently I have an orthodontist appointment so my dad is going to pick me up. Guess I'm getting my retainers. I'm just tired. I'm going to go now.

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