Chapter 9

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O: I am not here for you... I am here for my friend, Myrah who has always surprised me with her perspective in life. She may have a disability... I mean everyone does... but her disability is a physical one. However, she turns that into a disadvantage and shows everyone that she is equal to everyone. That girl... sorry... my friend has lost something dear to her heart. So I am going to leave but she needs to know that I will be waiting outside of this hospital and whenever she needs a shoulder to cry one (He takes her hand and puts it on her shoulder) my shoulder will be waiting for her.

Om turns around and takes his first step but Myrah holds his hand.

M: Om, do not leave me... I need... need..

O: someone. I will never leave you. And Myrah, remember something, do not be scared to ask for help. By asking for help, not only you are solving the problem, but you are learning something from that person as long as they respect you.

Myrah places her head on his shoulder and cries her heart out. Om continues to caress her head. Then, the nurse rolls out Dandi's body.

Nurse: The body is ready for the final rites. Where should we deliver it?

Om looks at Myrah for a response but he knew that she does not have a response.

O: Do you know if your brother has any family that we can contact?

M: He is also an orphan just like me. Two orphans decides to support each other and be like family. But life played a cruel game and decided that I will always be an orphan.

O: Myrah, you have me so you are not an orphan. (To the nurse) He is a brother to me so I will do his rites. Just deliver him to the funeral home and we will take over from here.

N: Do you guys want to see the body one last time before the preparation?

The nurse looks at Myrah

N: Oh sorry, I did not realize that she was blind. I should not have asked that question.

O: Excuse me... but are you a Nurse?

N: I do not get your question....

O: You get my question so answer my question. Are you a Nurse?

N: Yes I am a certified nurse

O: Then in your training they should have taught you that humans have 5 senses and they can still understand their surroundings even if one is not working.

N: I am sorry.

O: so my friend would like to see the body.

M: But how Om?

O: by touch.

He takes her hands and leads them to his face which was unharmed. Myrah slowly cries and then hugs her brother.

M: Thank you, Om. I thought that I will never be able to do this.

The nurse rolls the stretcher away and Om holds onto Myrah.

O: You do understand what we have to do next. Myrah, do not worry. I may not know him but based on your description, I would be honored to have him as my brother.

Myrah nods and they head to the funeral home.

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