Chapter 14

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The door bells rings and Myrah gets up.

O: Sit down, Myrah. I will get the door.

M: But, most likely, you will not know who it is though.

O: I know this is for me. You are very weak so sit down and I will bring it here to you. Do not get up.

Myrah nods and sits on the bed.

M(Thinking): What did Om order to my place? Clothes? Jewelry? Flowers? But, he knows that I do not care about this stuff. What could it be?

Myrah hears some noises and quickly grabs a scarf and wraps her face with it. 

O: Myrah... oh... you covered your face. That is fine. I understand your feelings. You do not feel confident. When you feel confident, Myrah, just take it off. Do not worry. They will never judge.

Om looks at the door.

O: Come in. This is Myrah, a good friend of mine. And Myrah, this is Shivaye and Rudra, my brothers. 

S: Hi Myrah.

R: Hey, Myrah.

M: So, (Pointing at Shivaye) this is your bhaiyya and (Pointing at Rudra) this is your youngest brother, right?

O: Yh.

R: How did you figure that out?

O: She is really smart you know. She figured out that I was Omkara Singh Oberoi, just by our conversations and my perfume.

R: Perfume? Wow! So tell me...

M: Your voices and the way you greeted me. Bade bhaiyya... I can call you bade bhaiyya right?

S: For sure, Myrah. Just like Om is my brother, a friend of my brother is my sister.

M: Bade bhaiyya, you said hello, while Rudra said hi. 

R: Just call me, Rudy. It is not fair how you promoted Shivaye to bhaiyya and just called me Rudra. You have to promote me as your friend.

M(Laughing): Sure Rudy. But, there are more people in this room right, Om? Can you introduce them to me?

A: I am Annika, Shivaye's wife. So I am your... bhoujai but please do not call me that. Just call me Annika... just Annika.

M: Hi, Annika and...

O: Last but not least, this is my Dadi.

Dadi sits by Myrah and holds her hand.

M: Namaste, Dadi.

D: Myrah, it is a pleasure meeting you. Om always talk about you at home. He told me how he met you at the park and how you became friends.

M: I am truly glad he is my friend (Thinking) I wonder if he feels the same way I do. Like we are connected in some way... He cannot be that Omkaraji but I just hope he remains by my side forever.

O: So, Myrah, you have met the most important people by my side. So, I told you that I went into depression and the reason why I came out of it is because of these people, my support system. They realized that life is not about being worried about things that happened in the past. (Thinking) Gauri... she helped me as well. I was being so mean to her but she kinda of taught me that you should never give up. Even though all those people were chasing her and I did not know the reason why, she still kept running and had high hopes for a bright future. I do not know where she is but I hope that she has found that future. I should not have left her just because I do not believe in love. I should have either brought her with me and set up a new beginning for her. I just hope she is fine.

S: Om...

Om snaps out of his thoughts.

O: You were worried what my family will say...

D: Om, I think I should ask her. Myrah darling, we want you to come to our house. We are not inviting you because we feel sorry for you, but instead I cannot let my granddaughter stay by herself. (Thinking) Om has changed so much after meeting you so I want him to be happy. 

M(Tearing up): Granddaughter?

Om smiles at Dadi and Dadi nods at Om. 

D(Thinking): For a person who just lost her brother, I understand how you feel when you get a new relationship.

S: Not only that, how can I leave my sister behind?

R: And we are not that selffish. My friend cannot stay by her side.

O: Myrah, now that you have met my entire family, do you want to come to my place now... Sorry... your home... your new home.

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