Chapter 33

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O(Thinking): Why was not she hear when I was in pain before? She would have persevered me and probably with her by my side, I would not have even been in that situation in the place.

O(Says) I know how it feels but now you have me to share your feelings. Next time, do not do anything stupid.

G: Stupid... (Laughing)

O(Thinking): It is nice to hear her laugh.

G: Let me show you what I was doing.

Gauri takes Om by his hands and takes him to the window. She opens and a breeze of fresh air just comes inside the room. She stands by his side, smiling.

G: Whenever I am sad, I would open the window and stand by it and treasure the nature. I just forget all my worries and enjoy that moment. Then, with a fresh mind, I would find a way to solve my problems... I know I cannot solve this problem but at least I will feel better.

Om looks at Gauri and then outside. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. Then, he opens his eyes and smiles at Gauri.

O(Thinking): You want a solution to your problem and I have one.  (Says) Gauri, I need to give you something.

Om heads out and comes back with a cloth, hiding something. He takes Gauri hand and places the cloth in her hands. He opens the cloth, and there was a bundle.

Gauri feels the bundle...

G: Money... Omkaraji, what is this?

O: I am funding your operation. We are going to reconstruct your face and I am going to get your eyesight back.

G: Is... that possible?

O: Did you seek any medical advice before?

G: No...

O: Then, it is possible. I will help you out. I will find a good doctor and fund everything for you.

G: Fund... No, you are my friend. I cannot take advantage of you like that. I am not your friend because of your money but because of your character. I cannot ruin this relationship.

O(Thinking): Gauri, why are you so nice? All the people I have met have always ran after money... but you... you are the first person that I met who value relationships more than money. You... are... just like me. Is this why I am always happy whenever you are with me???

Male Saathiya plays.

O(Says): Who said that I am going to give you the money? As my inspiration, this is your share of information.

G: But, you were planning to donate this money to a good cause.

O: Yes, I am going. I am starting a foundation to aid acid victims and you are the first one who I am going to help.

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