Chapter 20

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Om goes to open the door and it was Shivika, Rudra and Dadi. They all enter inside and sit by Myrah.

R: So how do you like it here?

M: It is a big house so it is going to take some time to get used to.

A: Just remember that we are here for you. Whatever you need just call one of us and we will be here the next minute. I do not care what time of the day it is even if it is 4:00 at night.

M: Thank you.

S: And also, take these meds. This will help you with the illusions.

M: I do not get something. Why are you helping me? We just met a day ago and within this time, you have not only found me another place to stay but also given me a family that cares about me.

S: Myrah, I think you have just answered your own question.

M: What do you mean?

S: Family... the moment we met you there was an instant connection. Om does not connect with a lot of people but he not only talked with you but also shared your problems. I cannot let you stranded like this.

M(thinking): They treat me like their own and here I am, hiding secrets from them.

M(says): I need to tell you guys something. About my past... In order to help me with my illusions you need to help me. (Thinking) But I cannot tell them everything. Just what happened to me and how this attack happened. I will not tell them about my marriage or they will waste time looking for him and I do not want to be a burden for them or him.

O: If you do not want to tell us because you feel uncomfortable, you do not need to.

M: No, I have to.

Myrah touches her face.

M: The reason why... my face is like this is because of a man. He wanted to marry me but he did not want to treat me as his wife... He wanted me as his concubine.

S: What??

M: I just could not do that so at the mandap, I stabbed him and ran away from him.

Om suddenly remembers Gauri running towards him on the train and the goons chasing her.

M: I... ran to the train station but by then Ka...he caught me and to destroy my life... he.... he...

O: STOP IT! You do not need to go through it again.

M: No, Omkaraji, I need to tell you this. I need to tell someone my feelings and you guys are the only ones who I can share with.

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