Ch. 8. Peter! Peter!

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Peter had just finished telling you what all happened. You fell asleep in his arms and he fell asleep minutes after you had. When you woke up about 2 hours later. You were laying alone on the bed.

You: Peter! Peter!

The nurse ran in.

Nurse #1: What's wrong hon
You: I was um... Laying here with my boyfriend Peter he was really injured and now he is gone.
Nurse #1: Oh a man walked in he said he was Peters Uncle he insisted on letting Peter go home he said he was a doctor.
You. * mumbled under your breath * Uncle? Uncle Ben died?
Nurse #1: What's that hon

Then you saw May enter the room

May: Oh thank goodness your here y/n but wait where is Peter?
You: That's the problem
Nurse #1: Wait, there is a problem
You: May, someone came in claiming that he was Peters uncle.
May: Oh no, where is my Peter
Nurse #1: What is the problem with Peter going with his uncle
You: Peter doesn't have an Uncle that is alive

You ran out of the room.

You: * you yelled from across the hospital* May! Go home I've got this!
You ran out of the building. You called Happy. Happy soon arrived to pick you up. You told Happy to drive you to Peters place. You grabbed one of his T-shirts. You needed the shirt because your dad was an amazing weapon inventor you wanted to invent too, but not weapons. You had made a tracking bracelet. It looked like a watch but it needed something of the person you are tracking to work. When Happy had dropped you off at tour house you ran to your room and grabbed the bracelet then you cut off a tiny piece of Peter's shirt. You put the piece in a tiny opening in the bracelet then closed it. It beeped and brought up a location. You set the bracelet on your bed then ran to change into you mission suit. Then you ran back to this car that Happy was waiting for you in.
You: Happy I need you to drive me to wherever this bracelet tells you.
Happy: What? Why? The bracelet?
You: Uh... Science project
Happy: kids do the weirdest things these days

You shot him a sarcastic smile. Happy did everything the bracelet told him to. Then it said in a very siri like voice
" you have arrived at your destination." You guys were at a run down looking giant metal warehouse.

Happy: Why would your science teacher want you to here?
You: Um... Well... Weird teacher
Happy: OK... Do you want me to wait here um... For you
You: No Happy you can go. Thanks!
Happy: Ya Alright bye

You jumped out of the car and waited for Happy to drive out of sight. When you could no longer see Happy you ran towards the warehouse you kicked down the door and looked for Peter. You screamed his name but no response then you saw a pile of rubble in the middle of the giant room. You yelled his name again but this time you got a soft cry. It was Peter. You didn't know where he was but you remembered you had the ability to look through walls and this counted. But you had never used it in real life. You focused on the rubble scanning it and finally you saw Peter.

You: Peter, I'm coming

You kicked the rubble away and found Peter lying on the ground in his old spiderman suit. You helped pull him up. He could barely talk. How could the doctors release him, he was in terrible shape.

You: Peter I will get whoever did this to you, I will but you have to tell me who it was.
Peter: A-all you can do for me now is bring me home let me rest then we will both find him when I'm better.
You: Whatever you want
Peter: that's what I want

You and Peter had a long long walk to Peters apartment but you made it. You brought Peter inside and went to lay him down in his bed.

Peter: y/n I'm covered in weird things that were dripping on me in the rubble.
You: do you want to shower?
Peter: I know this is gonna sound weird but will you run me a bath.
You: Its not weird I would love to.
Peter: I truly do love you
You: I love you too

You went ands ran Peter a nice hot bath. He walked into the bathroom and you helped him pull off his shirt then he undid his belt and pulled down his pants.
Peter: would your dad want me getting naked in front of you.
You: As long as we keep it PG I don't think he will care.

Peter nodded and slowly pulled down his underwear. You didn't make a big deal about it because he was hurt and he just needed someone to be there for him. You watched him and his cute little butt lower into the tub. As he got in a bit of water splashed onto your face. You wiped it off.

Peter: I'm sorry
You: It's alright baby it just fine.

Peter smiled at you and you smiled back. You got his hair wet and then scrubbed it with shampoo. After you had rinsed his hair you put some soap on his back and massaged his shoulders. You did that for 5 minutes and then went back to Peter's room while he washed his body and got out. He came back too his room wrapped in a towel and laid down in his bed. You laid next to him to, and you both fell asleep. After about two hours of a nap May walked in.

May: Peter!

You both jumped up and out of the bed.

How is it guys?????

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