Ch. 13. Hey what's up kid? Pt. 2

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Peter laid on top off you and you were breathing heavy. He moved his kisses toward your neck. You were kind off excited. This is the most heated your kissing has ever been. He got off of you.

Peter: I'm really sorry I shouldn't have done that.
You: No no no Peter don't be sorry. That was actually kind of amazing.

Peter looked up and smiled at you.

Peter: Have you eaten diner yet.
You: No
Peter: Alright let's go pizza on me.
You: OK but how will we get there.
Peter: Do you feel like a long walk and time to talk.
You: that would be lovely.
Peter: alright grab a jacket its a bit chilly.

You grabbed a jacket out of your closet. You guys walked out side. You made your way down the driveway. Peter put his hand around you and pulled you close. Then you felt a pain in your ankle and you fell to the ground.

You: ouch! Crap that hole in the driveway gets me every time.

You tried to get up but you had really done it this time.

You: Peter, I'm sorry I can't get up we might as well just go back.
Peter: Unless I carry you.
You: The whole way? Peter that's a bit far.
Peter: I can do it y/n
You: OK

You opened your arms too him allowing him to help you up. Then he twisted you around his body so that you were on his back. You giggled and laid your head on his shoulder. You placed a kiss right behind his ear and you could see the smile form on his face. One of your hands rested right over his heart because of the way you were holding on.

You: *whispering into his ear* I love you!

You felt his heart speed up. He flipped you around so that you were facing him and he stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.

You: Peter why are we...

You were stopped by a kiss from Peter. It reminded you of earlier and how you wished it had went further.

Peter: I love you too.

You guys walked a bit farther until Peter spotted a good place to eat.

Peter: Is here alright
You: Yeah, it's perfect

Peter walked in carrying you a set you down in a booth in the far right corner of the Pizza place.

Peter: I'm gonna go order and get our table number.

He went up and ordered a medium pepperoni pizza. He sat down.

Peter: Number 108. We have to wait for 106 and 107. So not to bad.
You: Yup.
Peter: You seem in a weird mood is everything alright.
You: Peter I'm gonna straight out ask you this. Do you want to have sex with me.

Peter's eyebrows shot up.

Peter: I am a teenage boy. And you're absolutely beautiful. Of course. But why did you ask.
You: Earlier in bed you off me all of the sudden. I was hoping it was gonna go somewhere.
Peter: Oh um, I'm sorry I felt like I was being disrespectful. You know invading your space and you hadn't told me if you were OK with it or not.
You: OK I'm sorry. Um, oh look the waiter is coming with the pizza.
Peter got up from his spot on the opposing side of the booth and scooted in by you. Placing his hand on your upper thigh. His hand was warm and comforting. But he didn't move it so you continued eating. He moved closer up your thigh
You: Peter
Peter: I'm sorry it's just now I feel bad. I don't want to make you feel like I don't love you. I really do. I just um... I wanted to respect you and you know. Give you space.
You: Peter I understand. And don't be sorry. You're so adorable. Now eat your pizza you dork.

You had finished your pizza rather quickly and you had to wait for Peter to finish. Peter looked up at you and giggled.

You: What are you laughing at?
Peter: I still can't believe you thought you thought I didn't want to have sex with you.

He then continued to stuff his face with pizza. He was such a messy eater but you loved it.
You laughed at the fact that he still hadn't gotten over that.
Sitting in the tiny booth in the pizza parlor you began to has flashbacks of your childhood. Every Friday you and Peter would come to this a very place and sit with Aunt May watching you guys eat pizza and laugh at the dumbest things. Speaking of Aunt May, Peter hadn't said much about her lately and you hadn't been to his place in a while.

You: Peter, why don't I see Aunt May anymore?

Peter had just taken the last bite of his Pizza. He looked up at you then grabbed all of the trash off the table and walked it to a trash can then sat back down and stared at his feet.

You: Peter?

You saw a tear fall down his cheek.

Peter: y/n can we go
You: Yes Peter

Your ankle was feeling good enough for you to walk on it so you did instead of making Peter carry you.
You guys exited the parlor and walked down the street.

You: Peter I'm really sorry you don't have to tell me if you...

You were cut off by his sudden words

Peter: She has cancer

You: Oh, Peter I'm... I'm so sorry.

You pulled Peter closer to you.

Peter: No, No it's fine I really do need to talk about it with someone. Anyway she hasn't been feeling up to company and with you parent you know I didn't want to overwhelm you with that too.

You held Peters hand and walked all the way back with out aging a word. You were thinking. You wanted to cry. Aunt May was everything to you. But you couldn't cry you couldn't make Peter feel bad for telling you so you held it together.
When you got to your house you went inside and both you and Peter went to your room.

Peter: I know its early but I'm a bit tired mind if I to bed now
You: of course not. Mind if I join you.
Peter smiled.
Peter: Of course not

You both dozed off within minutes. Still in your school clothes.

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Unexpected Love~Peter Parker ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now