Ch. 9. DAD!!!????!!!!

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You guys were standing in the middle of Peter's room in front of May when you saw your dad (tony) walk in behind her. Then Peter realized his towel was off and he was standing naked in front of Mr. Stark and his aunt. He ran to his bed grabbing the towel and wrapped himself in it.

You: DAD!!!????!!!!

You cut him off

You: Eww dad no, he took a bath and we fell asleep in the same bed that's all

Tony looked at May

May: I just got home so I don't know what was going on

Tony looked at you with anger in his eyes.

Tony: y/n I told you to stay away from Peter.

You started tearing up

You: Did you see what you did to Peter? You broke him.
Peter: y/n it's, it's fine
You: No! No, its not, he hurt you Peter
Tony: y/n he was being irresponsible
You: Peter was trying to help save people he was being a hero.
Tony: No he wasn't now y/n you are coming home with me right now.
You: No Tony you don't understand me and Peter have been friends since before I can remember. You can't just separate us like you already did. Now, I want to stay the night here. With my best friend.
Tony: 1 night y/n, 1 night then you are coming home and we are talking.
You: Fine

Tony stormed out. And you hugged Peter. May left the room. Peter fell to floor crying more than you have ever heard him cry before.

Peter: I have r- ruined your life. I have caused you to fall from a building. Then made you bionic causing you to carry a bunch of responsibility. Then while you were getting your chest fixed your parents died. What if you were with them and they wouldn't have died. It's my fault I injured you and you had to leave your home. Then you finally got adopted and I cause problems between you and your new dad. I'm horrible I'm a horrible person.

You: Peter no I love you none of that is your fault.
Peter: y/n you know it is
You: Come lay down with me

You both walked to Peter's bed he laid down and you laid down in front of him.

You: * whispering in his ear * Peter I love you and none of this is your fault now go back to bed your delirious.

Peter was still in his towel and you could feel him shivering behind you. You got up found a blanket and laid one on him. He smiled grabbed your arm and yanked your arm. You fell on top of him.

Peter: You're adorable
You: You are too

You fell asleep beside Peter with your head on his bare chest. The sound of his heart beat put you to sleep. You guys woke up and realized it was 1 am

Peter: We went to bed to early we will never be able to go back to sleep.
You: Then let's just enjoy our time together until I have to go home and get in major trouble.
Peter: Wanna watch Netflix
You: I always wanna watch Netflix
Peter: don't fall asleep this time
You: When have I fallen asleep
Peter: Every time we watch Netflix
You: Shut up I just get tried okay.

You smiled at Peter and he smiled back.

Peter: I will go get my laptop.

Peter left the room. And you heard the window start to creak open

You: Hello? Hello? Who is there?
Anonymous: Its me beautiful I am the one who took Peter now come with me.
You: PETE...

before you could finish he grabbed you and covered your mouth. He threw a punch that knocked you out and you woke up in a chair tied up. You had a towel shoved in your mouth and you struggled to get words out.

You: Mhhm!!! MHHHMMM
Anonymous: Shh Shh Shh, it will be alright

He pulled the towel out of your mouth.

You: You're disgusting, I know who you are.
Anonymous: Oh yah, and who is that
You: You're Liz's dad how could you do that to her. And you're Vulture.
Vulture: Wait you know Liz, actually never mind you are distracting me, getting in the way of my plans, I'm done letting you and spider boy determine my future.

He pulled out a knife walking slowly towards you. The next thing you knew a web shot through the air knocking the knife out of his hand.
Vulture: You again!
You: Peter!!
Peter: You gotta get through me before you can touch her.

Vultures wings came soaring in out of nowhere but Peter was ahead of the game he webbed true whole thing up causing it to fall to the ground. Then you watched as punches were thrown between Peter and Vulture. Vulture fell and Peter tied him up with webs. Peter called the police allowing them to come take Vulture. Peter untied you holding you in his arms he pulled your head to his chest.

Peter: I thought I lost you.
You: I thought I lost you.

You started tearing up.

Peter: y/n don't cry we are together now.

You pulled him closer to you.

Police Man: Do you kids need a ride back?
Peter: No thank you.

The policeman tipped his hat and walked off. Then you saw Tony running towards you. He opened his arms and pulled both you and Peter into a hug.

Tony: get in my car, I'm driving you guys to Peters, and about the hug that will probably never happen again so cherish that moment.
When you guys got to Peters he ran to his room to change before May saw him. But May was asleep. You heard Peter gasp loudly.
You ran to his room. He was holding his suit.

Peter: Mr. Stark gave it back read the note. He started putting the suit on.

Dear Peter,
Tonight you saved my daughters life. She means more to me than the both of you think and I can never pay you back for that. You have proven that without your suit you are just as powerful as you are with it. It's inside you Peter, true power is, its not the suit it's you.

- TS

You ran to Peter hugging him.

You: I knew you could do it. Now go change and I'll change in here. Then let's get back to that Netflix.

Watcha think?

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