Ch. 11. Wait were you crying?

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It was Saturday morning and you woke up in your bed. Normal, but Peter had stayed the night. So he should've been in the bed with you. You sat up looking around and you saw him sprawled out on the floor wrapped in a blanket. You stood up and you realized you had a terrible headache and and your body ached, you felt awful. You sat down by Peter nudging his shoulder.?

You: Peter, Peter *you said in a low whisper*

Peter woke up suddenly.

Peter: Huh, oh good morning but get in bed y/n
You: why why, hey why weren't you in the bed with me Peter.
Peter: I woke up at around 3:30 am and you were breathing really heavy, and sweating like crazy. So I felt your head and it was burning hot. You definitely had a fever. So I brought you to take some medicine then I laid your back down in your bed. But fevers sometimes make your body ache so I wanted you to be able to sleep comfortably and have the whole bed to yourself.

You: Awwwww Peter, thank you! I love you so much.
Peter: I would do anything to make sure you were feeling better.

You sat down on your bed.

You: Peter you were right my body does ache. Maybe I should go into the hot tub.
Peter: NO! The hot water will spike your temperature making it dangerously high.

You walked over to Peter and sat in his lap on the floor hugging him tight.

You: I'm so happy I have you Peter.
Peter: Me too y/n

Peter held you close then slowly got up carrying you to your bed.

Peter: just lay here I'm gonna to get you something to do then I'm gonna stay with you all day to make sure you are okay.

You: Peter are you sure, what if I get you sick.
Peter: as long as you have company while you aren't feeling the best then I don't care if I get sick.

You looked at Peter and smiled.

Peter: I'll be right back.
You: okay, I love you.
Peter: I love you too.

Peter left to to find something to keep you entertained. You sat in your bed. You got up to go sit on the tiny couch in the corner of your room. The couch was very fuzzy and white. The couch sat in front of a flat screen TV in your room. Peter came back with a few movies for you to watch. But the from the other room you heard...

Tony: Parker, Parker you here

Peter looked at you confused.

Peter: Um ya uh I'm in here Mr. Stark
Tony: Alright kid suit up we got a problem and we need all the help we can get.

Peter: Sweet alright, uh one sec.

He looked at you with a concerned and sad face.

Peter: I'm so so sorry, um I will be back as soon as I can
You: um OK Peter, well bye
Peter: bye

He darted out the door and you fiddled with the movies in your hands. You laid back on the couch and just felt a rush of emotions and you started to cry. Today was supposed to be cuddle with Peter day. Not only has your boyfriend left but you are sick and alone. You ended up crying yourself to sleep. Peter got back 3 hours later. You were still asleep.

Peter: Y/n! Y/n!

You woke up suddenly and sat up on the couch looking at Peter.

Peter: You won't believe... Wait were you crying
You: Um maybe I don't know. Is it that obvious
Peter: You don't have to cry, I wanted to spend time with you too but you know I can't tell Mr. Stark no.
You: Peter I understand and it's not just that.
Peter: than what is it?

Peter walked over and sat by you wrapping his arm around. You could see the concern in his so you started to explain.

You: Peter I'm in love with. You are literally the sweetest thing ever and I love it. Most of the reason I was happy with the bionics at first was because it meant more time with you. But the bionics got to me. So my dad removed than and you know all of that. I miss you now. You are constantly with them and I miss you. I don't regret getting them removed because I had to do that. But it hurts me. I watch you on your amazing journey and I'm too scared to go start my own. I am alone now Peter. I'm alone and sad.

Peter grabbed you and pulled you to his chest he started running his fingers through your hair.

Peter: You are never alone I'm always here. And about the journey. You will find your calling but y/n we are still young. Now you need to lay back down you are burning up.

You laid back on the couch and Peter got up to put in a movie. Then he sat next to you and you felt better. You had Peter with you now and everything would get better.

Unexpected Love~Peter Parker ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now