Ch. 10. I can't do this anymore

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        It's been a few weeks since Peter found you, and everything was going alright. You and Peter had just gotten back from stopping a robbery at Mr. Delmar's Deli. You didn't understand why people would pick to rob the poor Mr. Delmar. He didn't even have much in the deli to be taken. The responsibility of having these bionics was hurting you. Both physically and mentally. It was so much stress, and it was taking a toll on you body. You tried to play tough and keep doing it. Mostly for Peter. You didn't want to let him down. But enough was enough and you couldn't take it anymore.

You: Dad!?! Dad?!?
Tony: Yes
You: I'm so sorry I am going to let you down so much, but I need you to try and find a way to take my bionics out of my chest.
Tony: y/n you did not let me down, and if you really want me to take it out I will. But I have one question, can I ask why.
You: It's to much for me its taking it's toll. I'm constantly exhausted and its just a messing with my head. I'm sorry I-I just can't do it.
Tony: OK now if you want I can take them out.
You: I do, I really do. But Peter's gonna hate me. *tears started forming in your eyes.
Tony: I have seen that kid look at you. *he laughed* He loves you and I don't think there is anything you can do that will make him not love you anymore.

You smiled and hugged Tony.

You: Thank You Dad! I love you!
Tony: I love you too y/n! I'm gonna check some things and look for the safest way to do this and I will tell you when I'm ready. You should probably call Peter too.
You: I will dad thanks again.

You walked slowly to your room playing with your phone. You sat down on your bed and just stared at your phone wondering when u were gonna tell Peter. Then your phone started buzzing it was him.

Via Phone call

You: Hey Peter
Peter: Hey y/n, guess what?
You: What?
Peter: I got an A+ on my Spanish Quiz today.
You: I knew you could do it, you just needed to stop stressing.
Peter: Ya I guess. And why weren't you at school today?
You: I wasn't feeling to well. But I'm better now.
Peter: Aw I'm sorry you weren't feeling good. But can I stop over to hang out with you.
You: I would love that.
Peter: Okay great I'm just gonna drop my stuff off at home and I'll be right over.
You: Alright bye, I love you
Peter: *he made a kissing noise thought the phone* bye I love you too.

You hung up the phone and laid back onto your bed. You were happy because you have the best boy friend ever. But sad because you had to tell him that you can't take the bionics anymore. You decided to stop worrying about it, because worrying does nothing for you. Then you heard the doorbell ring. You ran to the door as fast as you could. When you opened the door it was Peter and you jumped onto holding him in the tightest hug ever.

Peter: Oh wow, I missed you too.

He wrapped his arms around you so you would fall off of him.

You: Peter I'm sorry, I'm sorry I am a terrible girlfriend, I am a complete baby who can't handle anything, you don't deserve this, a crappy girlfriend like me.
Peter: Hey, hey, what are you talking about?
You: I am getting my bionics removed

You looked up at him and you saw a smile form on his face.

Peter: Don't be sorry, its nothing to worry about. I still love you and I always will, and you are the most wonderful girlfriend ever.
You: Are you sure?
Peter: I've never been more sure in my life.

Then a giant flash filled the room you looked over to see Tony holding his camera.

Tony: Crap, I thought I turned the flash off
You: Oh my goodness Dad what are you doing?
Tony: that was the cutest thing ever and I wanted a pic. Oh my what is happening to me.

Tony walked away. You looked at Peter and laughed. Peter shifted your body so that he was holding you like a baby. He brought you to your room and put you down.

Peter: Wanna play cards.
You: Uh dur

You and Peter played cards for over 3 hours. Luckily it was Friday so you could play for however long you wanted.

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